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HomeArticles (Page 10)

  Over the last few years I have slowly studied for and taken some wine certification exams. Slowly because I'm a terrible procrastinator. I like to know things but do not enjoy the process. But, since I have yet to have my Keanu Reeves "we live in the Matrix" moment and cannot have information planted in my head, study I must. One of the most difficult aspects of wine study for me has been memorizing the sheer volume of information that comes with European appellations. DOCG, AOP, IGP

  On Bozcaada, Turkey’s third largest island, winds are so strong that only a limited variety of vegetation can withstand them. Olive trees look gnarled and bent and appear to be forever hunched over in an attempt to protect themselves from the battering winds. Poppies, one of the island’s biggest crops, survive only due to their proximity to the ground. And yet it is from this inhospitable and windswept environment that Turkish island wines are born. Perhaps you know Bozcaada by its old name, Tenedos. Under this moniker, the island (and its wines!) rated mentions in both the Iliad and the Aeneid. It is, after all, just a hop, skip,

  Narince is perhaps the most ubiquitous of the native white Turkish vitis vinifera. However, its popularity has little to do with wine and more to do with its leaves.  A somewhat late ripening berry, Narince is harvested in the second half of September which provides a unique challenge to many winemakers. The vast majority of Narince vineyards in Tokat are owned not by wineries but third party growers who sell the grapes to winemakers and the leaves to other companies. Stuffed grape leaves (sarma) are made not only traditionally but almost exclusively with the leaves from Narince grapes. Unfortunately, the leaves reach peak ripeness and are harvested long before

  My fourth article for Turquazz is now live! What began as a celebration of Turkey's devotion to jazz and its own Anatolian music has developed into a full-blown exaltation of Anatolian music and culinary arts. "From the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, from Greece to the Iranian border – what is known as Anatolia has a lot to offer, not only a varied landscape but also a long history and multi-faceted culture. For certain, Anatolia is a place of endless stories once you explore its abundant riches. What we focus on today here are the contemporary approaches to this cultural mosaic that is Anatolian culture. There are two words

  My third article for Turquazz is now live! What began as a celebration of Turkey's devotion to jazz and its own Anatolian music has developed into a full-blown exaltation of Anatolian music and culinary arts. "From the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, from Greece to the Iranian border – what is known as Anatolia has a lot to offer, not only a varied landscape but also a long history and multi-faceted culture. For certain, Anatolia is a place of endless stories once you explore its abundant riches. What we focus on today here are the contemporary approaches to this cultural mosaic that is Anatolian culture. There are two words

  My second article for Turquazz is now live! What began as a celebration of Turkey's devotion to jazz and its own Anatolian music has developed into a full-blown exaltation of Anatolian music and culinary arts. "From the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, from Greece to the Iranian border – what is known as Anatolia has a lot to offer, not only a varied landscape but also a long history and multi-faceted culture. For certain, Anatolia is a place of endless stories once you explore its abundant riches. What we focus on today here are the contemporary approaches to this cultural mosaic that is Anatolian culture. There are two words

  For April's Wine Paired Weekend event, I've invited the #WinePW group to explore under the radar European wine regions. I challenged everyone to find a wine from a new to them European wine country or highlight an underrated region in one of the more well-known countries. Wines could come from countries like Russia, Slovenia, or Greece; or more obscure western European regions like Biferno, Italy or Ajaccio, France. I asked them to be adventurous and they were! Here's a little sneak peek to wet your palate for the discussion! Camilla from Culinary Adventures with Camilla posts From the Same Latitude as Other Pinot Noir Powerhouses: The 2017 Macedon Pinot Noir

  Recently I connected with Jacqueline Coleman from History and Wine. She very kindly asked me to sit down and talk with her on her podcast, Wine Uncorked. About what did we talk, you might ask? Well of course that one thing no one can ever make me shut up about. Turkish Wine! Click to Hear the Interview by Wine Uncorked! And while you're there, have a listen to some of the other fantastic interviews Jacqueline has done!

  I am thrilled that I was able to put together a piece about some of the amazing women in Turkish Wine for The Vintner Project around Women's History Month. This is a story I have been wanting to tell for a while now and I am so grateful that The Vintner Project gave me a platform to do it.   The Rising Stars in Turkish Wine Are Women In what is globally a male-dominated industry, Turkey emerges as an exceptional place to have a strong cade of women in the wine industry. Over a quarter of Turkey’s wineries employ women in a country where only about two in five working age

  I am so excited to share that I am a contributing author to the revamped Turquazz! What began as a celebration of Turkey's devotion to jazz and its own Anatolian music has developed into a full-blown exaltation of Anatolian music and culinary arts. "From the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, from Greece to the Iranian border – what is known as Anatolia has a lot to offer, not only a varied landscape but also a long history and multi-faceted culture. For certain, Anatolia is a place of endless stories once you explore its abundant riches. What we focus on today here are the contemporary approaches to this cultural mosaic