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Rose Wine

HomeRose Wine (Page 14)

  When was the last time you were really wrong about something? While I’m sure there have been so many more times; one that really sticks in my head was when I was maybe about 11. My mom arranged a play date for me with a girl in my grade. Not that I was super popular (I was firmly in the ‘weird kid’ camp) but she was definitely lower on the middle school hierarchy than I was and I wouldn’t have been caught dead talking to her at school. Not only did I have a great time with her that day but she became a really good friend. I don’t

  One of the wineries making up the Urla Bağ Yolu, Mozaik Winery sits in a place of idyllic, pastoral heaven. Vineyards run alongside paddocks keeping pace with the racing horses that are raised next to the winery. Trees dot rolling hills providing shade for grape and horse alike while airy stables dwarf the small onsite tasting room. Everything looks so calm and easy that at first glance you would think that the vineyards, winery, and stables simply appeared. However, it was hard work and passion that built everything. Planting the Seeds of a Dream In 2006 Ali and Melis Emin founded Mozaik Winery’s vineyards and the Mahrem label in the Urla

  When the Yürüt family began to make wine, they didn’t know that they would one day be sharing their dream with a considerably large crowd of wine lovers. Their initial curiosity led them to research, read, discover, and eventually establish Bodrum Winery. Erhan and Füsun Yürüt began making wine at home in the 1980s. While initially everything was a trial and error method, their interest grew leading them to attend wine making courses, tasting events, and tour vineyards. Eventually they devoted themselves entirely to what was once a simple hobby. In 2010 they officially turned the hobby into a full-blown business in Kızılağaç, Bodrum. When Grapes Go on a Holiday At first

  I cannot count the number of times I’ve said that I don’t like rose wine. It is many. There have been a few here in Turkey though that, while they won’t make me a rose lover, I will happy say are very nice. Arda makes one such wine. Arda Vineyards sits a short drive outside Edirne in northern Thrace; equidistant from both the Bulgarian and Greek borders. The winery defines boutique. The owners, the Saç family, do more than merely oversee operations. Yavus Saç obtained a master’s degree in wine history, recently sat the WSET 3 exams, and with his wife Bahar oversees the running of the vineyard and winery.  They

  2017 was a crazy year. It began with a last minute trip to Iceland where wine is even more expensive than it is in Turkey. Spring was full of whirlwind wine trips to Israel, Georgia, and Greece. This summer after a two-year lapse I went back to the States to see my family in Michigan and Vegas. In the fall I went to Elmali, Turkey to visit a great winery and in December I visited Graz, Austria for the Krampuslauf, Christmas markets, and wine shopping. In addition to the travel I attended or led a couple dozen wine tastings. Including one on a private yacht on the Bosphorus where

  I have never had a Fume Blanc before and had to Google to remind myself what it even was. A Fume Blanc is basically just a Sauvignon Blanc that has spent some significant time in oak. The process and name were popularized by Robert Mondavi of all people in the 60s or 70s. This Sevilen 900 Fume Blanc I found at Solera, no shock there. When they told me that it had been sitting on the shelf for three years, was the only one they had, and was in fact so forgotten that they didn’t even know how much it cost I simply had to have it. And since

  I recently had the opportunity to spend time on Bozcaada and was able to visit the Suvla winery in Ecebat. First of all, I wish I’d realized years ago how easy it is to get to the Suvla winery. The main reason I don’t visit Turkish wineries is because I don’t drive and it’s not like they’re exactly conveniently located. Suvla, in Eceabat, is a short ferry ride away from Canakkale which in turn is serviced by a daily flight out of Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul. Had I but known! Walking into Suvla was a little, as my friend put it, like arriving at the mother ship. The Suvla

  While I still approach pink wines warily I am more open to at least trying then than I used to be. That does not mean that I go out of my way to buy them; particularly not the cheaper brands like Anfora. I have recently started holding Turkish wine tastings; informal parties at my place for my friends where the only rules are that you must bring a wine that is Turkish and is not DLC. If you don’t live here and you don’t know what DLC is count yourself lucky. As one of the goals of the tasting is to try a wide spectrum of Turkish wines at least

  Continuing my forays into pink wine I agreed to a bottle of Suvla Blush Cabernet Sauvignon 2014. I generally like a Cab so I didn’t figure I go terribly wrong getting one that just didn’t sit as long with the grape skins. I didn’t go terribly wrong…nor did it exactly blow me way either. To start with, the Suvla Blush was a very attractive looking wine with it’s peachy, salmon-like color. The nose was also quite nice: fruity with maybe some hints of oak and a scent that was very familiar but frustratingly elusive. On the palate it was low in tannins, medium acid, and with a long finish. The majority of

  I’ve been through Suvla’s Kabetepe red, white. and blush so I figured I should bookend the series and get the last one, the rose. I’m still a little resistant to pink wine but a) it’s only 15 TL and b) it’s Suvla so how bad could it be? Not very, I’m happy to say. In the glass the Suvla Kabetepe Rose was a bright rose, salmon color with a lot of berry and floral scents in the nose. It even smelled dry if that’s possible. On the palate it was low in tannin,  with medium acid, and a long dry finish. Crisp with berry flavors, it was refreshing and paired really well with