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Wine Reviews

HomeWine Reviews (Page 32)

  Narince is made into fresh stainless steel aged wines, rich oak-raised wines, and traditional method sparkling wines. They are always dry. Narince is never sweet. No sooner were the words out of my mouth at a semi-recent wine tasting focusing on this grape than what did I see at the grocery? A semi-sweet Narince wine. Narince is the Black Sea grape. While many wineries work with independent growers in the region or have their own vineyards there, only Diren winery actually makes wine on site. Despite that, the winery has done remarkably little with the grape. I like the Diren Collection Narince quite a lot. I think it stands as

  This is a semi sponsored post but all opinions are my own.  While Paşaeli has built a reputation for its wines made from rescued and little-known Turkish grapes, the winery does produce a handful of wines using international grapes. In the past, these wines have all utilized black grapes. For example the Kaynaklar and K2 Bordeaux blends. Not anymore! Released last year, the Paşaeli Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş (once upon a time) marks the winery's first single-varietal white wine made with an international grape. Specifically, Chardonnay. Paşaeli Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş, 2019  Harvested from vineyards in Çal, the Chardonnay came from the vast expanse of Turkey's Aegean region. The wine is 100%

  Franco Terpin's winery straddles two worlds. Well, two countries in any case. Located in San Floriano del Collio, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, the winery sits steps from the Slovenian border. In fact, Terpin is one of those Italian winemakers to also have vineyards across that border. After the fall of the Roman Empire, eastern Friuli, i.e. Venezia Giulia, got folded into the Austrian Hapsburg Empire where it joined portions of Slovenia. Then for a brief period, the Austrians controlled the entirety of Friuli Venezia Giulia when the Venezia Republic ceded control. In 1866 the western and central areas went back under Italian control, this time to the Kingdom of

  To begin, Solaris is not a wine name, it's the grape. Developed in Germany in 1975, Solaris is a hybrid grape. Now, get ready for the geeky bits. Its parents are Merzling (itself a hybrid) and the sexy sexy grape, Gm 6493. Yup, you read that correctly. Gm 6493. With so many grapes existing naturally, why make another? In this case, Solaris, which super ripens early, was intended for those cold European regions where the sun doesn't shine so much. In addition to Germany, wineries in the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, and Belgium plant it. So does Turkey! Nif Bağları began planting Solaris a number of years ago and

  Do not judge a book by its cover! We all know this. Sometimes though when it comes to a wine label I forget. I'm often guilty of buying, or not buying wine based on the label. I've had wines as fabulous as the label, wine as terrible on the label, terrible wine tarted up by a great label, and great wine hidden under a terrible label. The Doluca Kav Narince falls into that latter category.  This label hardly looks like the most interesting thing I've ever seen. Although to be fair I have seen far worse labels. However, it does not particularly evoke any excitement or invite one to

  I realized a few months ago that I have tried every wine from Urla Şarapçılık except the winery's rosé. Since I don't generally hold rosé in the highest opinion it's not a surprise that I hadn't had it. However, I must do my best in my quest to try all the Turkish wines!  Based in the southern İzmir district of Urla, Urla Şarapçılık heads up the Urla Bağ Yolu. Its wines include a series of red blends, varietal Boğazkere (grown onsite vs brought in from Diyarbakır) and Patkara, varietal Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Sungurlu, Gök, a white blend, a sweet white, and this rosé. Urla Serendias Roze, 2018 The Urla Serendias Roze

  Last summer during a trip to Hungary, I discovered a new (to me) grape: Kéknyelű. Little is known about this grape's history. What I know for certain though is that it makes knock out wine. Kéknyelű, which is actually pretty fun to say, fell out of favor in Hungary after the second world war because of how difficult it is to grow. A naturally late-ripening grape, it gives low yields with poor fruit set. It's also one of those odd grapes that needs another variety to help pollinate it. According to Taste Hungary, which introduced me to the grape, for this reason locals have long referred to it as the "gentleman's

  I love sweet wines. Perhaps I have mentioned that a time or two on this blog! I'd been curious about the Corvus Passito, having seen it around, for years. But it's not an inexpensive wine. It shouldn't be, right? Passito wines are not cheap to produce so they shouldn't be cheap to sell. But when you're looking at that price tag, sometimes it doesn't matter if you understand that or not. A few summers ago, I again found myself on the Aegean island Bozcaada, home base for Corvus. At the winery's Wine and Bites café/shop I was able to purchase the wine by the glass and finally try. Love.

  Asmadan winery, located in Eceabat on the Gallipoli Peninsula, has vineyards in several locations in Turkey. Some surround the winery, others sit in the Aegean region - Turkey's most prolific grape growing area. The winery also works with growers in the east. From Elazığ and Diyarbakır (respectively), it sources Öküzgözü and Boğazkere. The topic of our tasting notes today. The winery currently produces wine under five labels (listed below in descending order of quality). Kor Reserve holds a place at the top of Asmadan's quality pyramid. Kayalıtepe Kor Reserve Duman Gönülden CNKL Asmadan Kor Reserve Öküzgözü Boğazkere, 2018 Öküzgözü and Boğazkere are considered common blending partners. They have a very Merlot-Cabernet relationship. The Asmadan Kor Reserve

  I love doing side-by-side wine comparisons. For example, when a producer makes multiple styles of wine from the same grape. So when I saw that Küp Şarap put out both a Sauvignon Blanc and a Fumé Blanc, I could not resist getting them both! Based in the heart of Turkey's largest vineyard area, Denizli, is Küp Şarap. A multi-generation, family run winery, Küp produces several series of wine. But it is best known, for its Thia line. Somewhere between entry and mid level, the wines come in at some of the most reasonable prices in the country. The quality can be a little unpredictable with them sometimes tasting like