Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.

March 2023

Home2023March (Page 2)

  It sure felt like spring had sprung during the second half of February. Even my crocuses are blooming! But my experience both here and being from a northern state says that we shouldn't get too comfortable yet and that winter may once again rear its cold, snowy head. It likely won't be pretty when it does! Especially not for me as I've already been enjoying wine on my balcony.  What have I been drinking? Well, you'll have to check previous blog posts for that! What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Just read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, do