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Amber Wine

HomeAmber Wine (Page 2)

  Summer has unmistakably arrived! While it is spring that often gets the lamb or lion heraldic, it's really summer that needs one. Be it climate change or otherwise, the last several years has seen spring limp in weakly. Not meekly like a cute Easter lamb, but like one ravaged by angry wolves that managed to escape and keep going. In Istanbul, I feel like we need a new word to describe how winter and spring seem to be melding into one, indistinguishable season. There is no mistaking summer though which roars in like an angry lion, throwing temperatures into the upper 20s before June has even arrived.  I don't

  I had my first encounter with Sideritis at the Athens wine expo Oenorama a couple years ago. Only two or three examples were available to try at the time, but I've since been able to hunt down a few more. Never heard of Sideritis? Not surprising. While it seems to be moving on from 'rare' and into 'emerging', it's still not something you'll find on everyone's list/shelves.  A pink-skinned grape, Sideritis (Σιδερίτης) can be found in a few different locations around Greece, namely Patras on the Peloponnese peninsula, Central Greece, and in northern Greek in Macedonia. It takes its name from the Greek word ‘sidero’ (iron), referring to the

  So, 2023 is now behind us. Not such a bad year, all things considered. Although there's always hope that the future will be better and brighter. Whether or not you make resolutions, take some time as we say goodbye to the year to reflect on the lessons you learned and how you might apply them and do and be better in 2024. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) January's winter nights are cold and dark, the perfect place for shadows of the past to lurk and taunt you. Embrace the discomfort of facing them head-on. Remember that the wounds you carry are not your identity, but they way you deal

  Every year - well every year that I remember - I like to do a quick review of the wines I posted about during the year that I most enjoyed, that most surprised me, etc. So with no further ado, let's jump into my favorite Turkish wines of 2023! My Favorite Sparkling Wines There weren't many new sparkling wines released this year. And frankly, with the skyrocketing price of most Turkish bubbles, I didn't really drink much. And while the Paşaeli Karasakız Pét-Nat may not be a fair wine to include, as it was a super limited bottling, it nonetheless gets a spot.  My Favorite White Wines Over the last few years,

  My friend Roy lives in Australia, mostly in Melbourne, and visits Turkey regularly. Has been doing so for so long, in fact, that he owns several apartments here. We actually met when, two apartments ago for me, we were neighbors! I've teased him throughout our friendship about how I refuse to believe Australia has good wine* and wouldn't believe it until he brought me some. And yet, every year he's come without wine. He says that he wouldn't dare to choose wine for me since he's happy enough with whatever plonk is around.  Until this year, inspiration struck! I found a wine shop near him (not difficult given where

  For many of us, our first encounter with amber wine, wine made in amphora, or "natural" wine was with a Georgian wine. While many countries have for centuries made wines thusly, the global trend and enthusiasm for such is often attributed to Georgia. Wine trends come late to Turkey, but they do come. These started quietly with Gelveri and have since spread. Now finding orange wines does not take much effort and a growing number of people are making amphora wines and "natural" wines. What happens though when a trend isn't a trend, but culture? Does that change the wine? For those who poo-poo amber/"natural" wines, does culture make

  This June, Camilla from Culinary Cam has invited the #WinePW crew to explore wine and cheese pairings. Any cheese, any wine, any region our hearts desire! You can read her invitation post here. If you're reading this in time, join us for our Twitter chat on Saturday, June 10 at 11 AM EST and tell us about your favorite wine and cheese pairings! I love cheese. And when I say I love cheese, I mean that I LOVE cheese. If the choice came down to chocolate or cheese, cheese all the way. I also have an entire auxiliary freezer for cheese (and pork because, you know, I live in

  Hello spring! You have finally graced us with your presence. Huzzah! This month I say Happy Birthday to several very good Gemini and Cancer friends, hopefully the Universe grants them a great wine! What will they - and you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You may be feeling unsure these days of what will make you happy. Don't fall into a black hole and shut yourself away from people while you figure it out. Now is not the time to shy away from the love and affection people are trying to give you. It's okay if you don't know right this

  If you've had only a few Georgian white wines, chances are pretty good that it was Rkatsiteli, that most ubiquitous of Georgian white grapes. I've never particularly enjoyed it, myself, and actively avoid it. Even through my infrequent trips to Georgia though, I've seen a rise in less common grapes (both white and red) and find many of them so much more enjoyable. Like Chinuri. Chinuri The Chinuri grape seems to originate in Kartli, which is very near Tbilisi. Greenish-yellow to amber when fully ripe, it is fairly disease resistant even to phylloxera and can often be found planted on its own roots. Berries are fleshy, juicy, and sweet with