Get to Know the Grape: Boğazkere
Pronounced: bow-ahz-keh-reh, which means "throat burner" in Turkish, this grape is one of the most formidable in Turkey's vineyards. Grown primarily in South East Anatolia (Diyarbakır), in some of the country's most eastern vineyards, Boğazkere berries are small, round, and blue/black in color with thick skin. They grow in large, tight, heavy bunches. In the fall, the leaves develop a distinctive red color from the leaf edge inwards. These grapes do best in hot, dry climates (hello Diyarbakır) and poor, calcareous-clay soils. While Diyarbakır is its origin, Boğazkere is now grown in various places around the country including in Turkey's Aegean and Mediterranean vineyards. If Boğazkere with its in your
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