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Red Wine

HomeRed Wine (Page 8)

  This month, Katarina of Grapevine Adventures has invited the #ItalianFWT group to explore the wines of Calabria and Sardegna. Check out her invitation here. Of these two southern regions, I chose to focus on Sardegna as I was lucky enough recently to get my hands on two wines.  I was really hoping I could get both wines to pair with the same dishes. A little bit of a challenge as I had both a white and a red. It didn't work out so well for the red. Something I saw coming but barreled into (haha pun) anyway. The "herb garden" chicken, boiled chicken marinated overnight in olive oil and lots

  Papazkarası has been staging a quiet take over. When I first discovered the grape, maybe you could find two or three wines. Now, this ancient blue-black grape variety native to Turkey's upper Thrace abounds and wineries are releasing not just red wines, but also rosés and blanc de noir wines. The name Papazkarası roughly translates to "black of the priest (or) pope". In Greece, the variety is registered as "Kara Papas", although little, if any, Papazkarası wine is produced there. In Turkey, the spelling varies between Papazkarası (with a 'z') and Papaskarası (with an 's'). You can read more about the here! Now that there are so many of these wines

  Arcadia, based in upper Thrace in Kırklareli, has long prided itself on its winemaking techniques. Including a crazy looking machine that very gently filters the wines and then bottling them unfined. They're now following the popular trend of spontaneous fermentation, or doğal fermentasyon in the Turkish. This has become a growing trend over the last few years. Some wineries, like Kastro Tireli and Tomurcukbağ, have always allowed their wine to ferment spontaneously with ambient yeasts. Büyülübağ has made one or two "wild ferment" wines for years. When Claros opened, they did the same and Gürbüz, Paşaeli, and probably a handful of others all have at least a couple wines.

  [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="500"] Image created by https://mycupofwine.com/[/caption] For March's #ItalianFWT chat, Jennifer of Vino Travels has invited us all to explore the wines of Molise, Basilicata, and Campania. I don't often get to play with the #ItalianFWT group as the wines are generally not available in Turkey. However, this year I am so excited because I have the wines to participate in almost every month's event! A friend recently posted to the consulate offered me space in her shipping/alcohol allowance insert mad scientist laugh. Aglianico del Vulture DOC Aglianico del Vulture DOC(G) is THE appellation in southern Italy's Basilicata. Located in the northeast of the region, the DOC and DOCG

  It sure felt like spring had sprung during the second half of February. Even my crocuses are blooming! But my experience both here and being from a northern state says that we shouldn't get too comfortable yet and that winter may once again rear its cold, snowy head. It likely won't be pretty when it does! Especially not for me as I've already been enjoying wine on my balcony.  What have I been drinking? Well, you'll have to check previous blog posts for that! What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Just read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, do

  Granted we're going through a weird warm streak at the moment in Istanbul, but that's doesn't mean winter is over. It often makes itself know again at an inopportune time. When that happens, reach for one of these top cozy Turkish red wines that feel like a hug to keep you warm! Gordias Boğazkere, 2012 Hands down, Gordias's is one of my favorite Boğazkere wines. Canan brings her grapes for this in from Diyarbakır and ages the wine little, if at all, oak. One would think that might be walking on the edge with a tannic grape like Boğazkere, but it works! Medium opaque ruby, not as deeply colored as one would usually

  Pamukkale really want to you to know that the Pamukkale YT Boğazkere is a special wine. Not only was it bottled in an overly heavy format bottle, it also came wrapped in paper, resting in its own padded box. That's a lot of fanfare. Did the wine live up to it? Boğazkere isn't a grape we see a lot from Pamukkale in its premium wines. Mostly the winery focuses on international grapes for its top tier wines. However, it went native for this one which came out as a special, limited edition bottling celebrating winemaker Yasin Tokat's 50th harvest. I don't generally go in for Pamukkale's wines. But, seeing

  I don't write much about Kutman wines (anymore). While the winery continues to put out new vintages, it hasn't released a "new" wine of late so it's fallen a bit off my radar. However, I happened to have a bottle of the Kutman Kalecik Karası gathering dust in my wine room. I bought it years ago when we visited for the book interview. At first it just got shuffled around and then it started to get older and I wanted to see how much longer I could age it.   Finally curiosity got the better of me and I opened my Adnan Kutman Kalecik Karası 2010. But before we get

  Two years ago, I won a writing contest about Hungarian wine run by Hungarian Wine.EU. You can read my winning piece here! Part of the win included a study tour to several of Hungary's wine regions. On our first day, we spent the night at Dominium Pincészet.  We tasted several of their wines at a Mátra regional tasting and later at their winery were able to taste a few more. That's where I learned about the grape Turán. And, after learning that it was my birthday, founder Dániel Orbán very kindly gifted me with a bottle! Dominium Pincészet Dániel Orbán, one of the founders of  Dominium Pincészet found inspiration in his father's