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Sparkling Wine

HomeSparkling Wine (Page 4)

  Every year - well every year that I remember - I like to do a quick review of the wines I posted about during the year that I most enjoyed, that most surprised me, etc. So with no further ado, let's jump into my favorite Turkish wines of 2022! My Favorite Sparkling Wines Sparkling wines are always going to be at the tippy top of my list! Not many new sparkling wines were released this year but, even if it were the only one, the Arcadia Pét-Nat Sauvignon Gris would still sit at the top of the tippy top.  Yaşasın is not new but it still makes my list. This year, I

  It's December! The winter solstice is around the corner but, even more exciting, Christmas! My tree is up! Is yours? Especially in light of the tragedy we all faced in Istanbul last month, it's more important than ever that we embrace this season of kindness, generosity, and giving.  Those three wise mandates (haha see what I did there?) should most certainly be how we act towards others, but also to ourselves. Be kind to yourself

  Semi-recently I took a trip to Georgia (the Republic of, not the peach state). I haven't been since before the pandemic hit and was happy for a chance to get back to the land of khatchapuri. This wasn't just an eating trip though. I actually went to attend the Women in Wine Expo. When I heard the woman behind the organization is Turkish, I had to go! You can read more about Senay and her work here.  How did I get from there to a primer on Tavkveri? Well because naturally I stayed an extra day to hit up a few of my favorite wine bars, restaurants, and shops

  Do you love sparkling wine? I do. I'm always happy to try any of them (and generally even happier to drink them). Finding new sparkling wine to drink is one of the many fun things about learning about wine regions. On a semi-recent trip to Athens, I discovered a new bottle of bubbles thanks to one of my favorite wine shops (Alpha Sigma in Syntagma): Theopetra Estate Edenia Rosé. We don't hear a lot about Limniona but I have really enjoyed the few I've had. So when I saw this Limniona sparkling wine, I couldn't not buy it. The grape comes from Thessaly in north-central Greece. It's undergoing something

  With school bells tolling the end of summer, Robin of Crushed Grape Chronicles has invited the #winepw group to a "back to school" themed Twitter chat on Saturday, September 10. You can read her invitation here and, even if you haven't written a post, follow along with what promises to be several interesting conversations at 11 am EST / 8 am PST by following the hashtag. Everyone in the group this month essentially gets to set their own topic with this theme!  Our challenge, per Robin, is to "put together a fun educational piece to expand your wine knowledge!" Eeek! The pressure! But no, really, the fun! Given the history

  Summer is definitely in full swing and we have the hot temperatures to prove it! Are you absolutely melting or hiding inside with your AC? Most of the year, I complain about having to walk up all the stairs to my flat but around now I start appreciate being higher up and being able to catch the breeze. Since it is so hot, I'm drinking a lot of white and rosé. I'm eyeing some of my lighter reds as well though, remember that so many of those can be chilled! What will you be drinking in August? Read on and find out what your horoscope suggests! Aquarius (January 20 -

  Finding Hungarian sparkling wine in Budapest is as easy as hopping in a cab! Located along the Danube on the Buda side of the river lies the neighborhood of Budafolk, an historic center of wine production and cellars. In 1880,  a union of wine producing and bottling industries created a cellar network hollowed out of the limestone beneath the neighborhood. The cellar system, 25 kilometers in length and the largest in all of Europe, still exists earning the area the name “Cellar Town.” Today a number of wineries still have production facilities here, especially those focusing on sparkling wine production like Törley, Sauska, and Garamvári. While I was in

  June has been just a crazy month for me! I hope yours has been calmer. I've barely been able to enjoy any wine at all. Eek! So, I'm looking forward to a quiet July. Now that I have time to enjoy wine again, what will I be drinking? What will you be drinking in July? Read on and find out what your horoscope suggests! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Feeling stuck? At work, in your relationships, at life in general? Feeling like you're not making progress in your life can be frustrating. And the more frustrated you feel, the more stuck you become. At times like this, don't stubbornly wave your