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Turkish Wine

HomeTurkish Wine (Page 19)

  Sultaniye (sool-tan-ee-yeh) is possibly the most commonly grown grape in Turkey. While a perfectly viable vitis vinifera variety, Sultaniye has such high sugar levels that it also works well as a table grape. Turkey stands as one of the world's leading producers of table grapes and raisins but Sultaniye grapes also are used in pekmez (molasses) and rakı production.  Despite not being a popular wine grape, wineries do use it in wine production. This mid-season ripening grape grows primarily in the Aegean region (Denizli and Manisa) and prefers hot climates and clay loam or chalky soils. Berries grow to a medium size, are round, have a bright green color,

  When Arda Bağcılık first started producing wines, it focused on international grape varieties like Cabernet and Shiraz. The family-run wine has slowly been introducing native grapes. First Narince, and now the last few years, Papazkarası. Arda seems to have found its grape in Papazkarası making not one wine with it, but four. The Papazkarası series, called Gala, takes its name from the Gala Gölü (Gala Lake), close to the Aegean and near the Turkey-Greece border. Located some 170 kilometers from the winery, this is where the winery sources its Papazkarası grapes. The series includes a blanc de noir, two rosés, and a red blend. Arda Gala Blanc de Noir Papazkarası,

  Selefkia Wine, a small, family winery has been reaching for the stars since it opened in 2008. Alaaddin Çerçi, along with his wife Sakine and daughter Ebru, made a huge life change in the late 1990s when he left behind his career as an engineer to start working with grapes. Orphaned as a child, Çerçi supported his education with revenue from his late father's vineyards in the Yenisu village in Mersin. However, years later, grape sales dropped off and the vineyards fell into disuse. Feeling like he owed a debt to the grapes, in 1998 he began to reanimate the old vineyards with a view to making wine.   Selefkia Wine’s

  Lent started last week. What are you giving up? Sweets? Coffee? TV? I can tell you what I'm NOT giving up and that's wine. I like to imagine that I'm a semi-devout Catholic but I'm not a crazy person. Well. Probably not. Family history would indicate otherwise but that's a tad off topic. Amongst all the Turkish wineries, Antioche holds a special place for me. Maybe because (while not Catholic) they're also Christian which gives me a different kind of connection with them and their wine? Maybe because I have a wee crush on the incredibly sweet owner and his family? Maybe because they have introduced us to a

  One of the newer additions to the Turkish wine scene, Kayraklı Şarapçılık is based in the Muğla district of the Aegean. Founder Orhan Kayraklı planted his organically farmed vines in the Asarcık valley between the Bozdurun and Selimiye villages. The vines, completely surrounded by mountainous terrain, grow at 250 meters. Continuous winds cool the valley making it 4-5 Celsius degrees cooler than the areas around it and contribute to significant diurnal temperature swings. Slate and gravel overlay layers of limestone and clay and the vines grow without irrigation. The wines have been available in regional wine shops for a year or more but only recently have migrated to Istanbul.

  Well, are they really the best Turkish Pinot Noir wines? Some of them are certainly the best in my opinion! But that title will give my SEO a much needed bump! Bloggy technical housekeeping aside, let's crack on with the wines! The below seven wines by no means represent an exhaustive list of Turkish Pinot Noir wines. I'm planning a separate post just for Ayda Bağları's Pinots (red and a rosé) so look for that soon! And of course I have written previously about other Turkish Pinot Noirs including: Urla Serendias, Chamlija's Müteşekkir, other vintages of the below wines, and various Pinot Noir blends like Chamlija's PaPiKa, Chateau Nuz,

  It may not seem like it with all the rain and cold days, but spring is just around the corner. Lent starts tomorrow (what are you sacrificing this year?), and soon Easter will come. What else is around the corner? What does your horoscope say you should try drinking in March? Read on and find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Introspection is your word of the month. Take some time this month to focus on the deeper emotional needs in your life that you don't usually allow yourself to think about or even acknowledge. You needn't confront anyone with anything this month if you're not ready. It's perfectly fine to

  Many are shocked to discover the high percentage of women who work in the Turkish wine industry. Something like 65% are women including winery owners, viticulturalists, winemakers and oenologists, and especially, harvest technicians. Last March, I wrote a piece for The Vintner Project about women in the Turkish wine industry. My friend and colleague in wine, if you will, Tûba de Wilde has gone beyond just writing and takes a different approach to highlighting women in the industry. Vinatuu Wine Explorer & Event Maker After completing her bachelor of Tourism and Event Management in Bruges, Belgium, Tûba worked in tourism and communications around Europe while continuously training via courses and seminars

  I've posted several reviews semi-recently from the Pamukkale Nodus line including the Nodus Fumé Blanc and Nodus Cabernet Sauvignon. The sudden frequency of the posts has more to do with trying to clear out old notes than it does a suddenly discovered love for the series. Pamukkale has never been a favorite winery of mine. However, even I must admit (and not even grudgingly) that the Nodus line's price and quality find a fair balance. Well, before the recent inflation-driven price hikes they did anyway. Now it's anyone's guess. And, based on my experience, none of the Nodus wines get overwhelmed with oak. Particularly vital in this case for