Saranta Chateau Murou Sauvignon Blanc
Just in time for international #SauvBlancDay, my new favorite Turkish Sauvignon Blanc: Saranta Chateau Murou Sauvignon Blanc. This is a hugely popular grape in Turkey. I don't, unfortunately, have any figures, but Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay definitely compete for the most popular white grape here. The majority of wineries boast at least one in their catalogue. It comes as a varietal and in blends. Sauvignon Blanc here ages in stainless steel and displays a crisp and racy character. We're also seeing more and more oak raised "fumé blanc" styles. One winery even has a botrytized sweet Sauvignon Blanc. The only thing we're missing is a sparkling! Saranta has been making
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