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Turkish Wine

HomeTurkish Wine (Page 3)

  While actual autumn does not begin until later this month, the beginning of September heralds to many the end of summer. Summer vacation is over, people are getting back to work, school, to "normal" life. Even if you didn't have the whole summer off, there's always an intangible sense of freedom and ease during June, July, and August and a lot of people feel a little let down at the end of the summer season.  Don't dwell on the let down this month! Concentrate instead on the good things. In Istanbul, for example, the end of summer means the return of charity ice cream producer Soulful Scoops! It means

  Since shifting some of its focus to quality wines, Selçuk area-based Akberg Winery has sourced grapes from around the country.  Narince from its home in Tokat, Emir from Cappadocia, Papazkarası from Thrace, Çalkarası from Çal, and so on. The winery's decision to do so stems from its belief that a grape naturally grows in certain terroir for a reason. While a grape might happily grow elsewhere (Narince being a great example), not all react well to that (Emir). The winery then views the entirely of Turkey as one giant vineyard, ergo its label, Büyükbağ (large vineyard).  [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] Osmanca - photo from Wayana Wine Bar[/caption] But not all of Akberg's

  The Urla district of İzmir in Turkey's Aegean region has become a hotbed of trendy wineries. Many belong to the Urla Bağ Yolu (the easiest, if not the most interesting wine route to navigate). But not all wineries in the area belong to the wine route. Personally, I find those few to be the more interesting wineries. Like Hus Şarapçılık. Founded in 2017 by Ceylan Ertörer Diaz Leon and Juan Pablo Diaz Leon, Hus Şarapçılık is a family venture that blends the Chilean wine background of Juan Pablo's family, and the agricultural history belong to Ceylan's family. Sadly, in 2021, Juan Pablo passed away. Ceylan has bravely continued the

  Summer is horrible. The entire season should be eliminated. Let's just extend spring and fall a month a and a half each and skip this miserable, hot, sweaty, can't afford air conditioning period.  Let's get on to what we're drinking in August! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You've been spending a lot of quality time with your favorite people. Time with friends and family have invigorated you with passion and enthusiasm and you've strengthened your bonds with them by tending to their needs.  Other people’s problems are often easier to navigate than your own. But consider this: Are you avoiding the mess in your own life by fixing other people’s? The

  Even if you're not a wine geek, you've heard about ageing wine. I get the question from time to time; people asking if they should age this or that bottle of Turkish wine. Oe expects to age bottles from many established wine regions, like Barolo, Brunello, Mosel, Bordeaux, Champagne, Rioja, etc. We also know that grapes like Riesling, Assyrtiko, Pinot Noir, Nebbiolo and so forth generally do better with a couple years under their belt. But ageing Turkish wine? Grey area.  For why? you might ask. Doesn't Turkey have a wine industry essentially as old as grapes? Indeed it does. For 8000 plus years various peoples have made wine

  Çalkarası is what I like to call Turkey's 'Cinderella' grape. For a long time, winery's have used this grape as a work horse to make up table wines and cheap red and rosé blends. And yet, the grape has great capacity to make high-quality wines. How do we know that? To begin, because we know that we share this grape with Greece where it does make high-quality wines. In Greece, Liatiko (as they call it) is the 5th most planted grape and the star of Crete's robust wine industry. How did it get from Crete to the inner Aegean in Turkey (or vice versa)? Dunno. Nor do I

  Summer is in full swing and it's just begun. It's hot, tempers are rising with the temperatures! We all need something to cool us down. This time of year, most people want to reach for white or rosé because they're cold, they're refreshing. But, don't forget, you don't have to give up red wine during the hot summer months! Check out these chillable reds to start. And, even if your tastes run to heavier, full-bodied reds, don't be afraid to chill them for a little bit before drinking, especially given how hot our current "room temperatures" are.  So, let's get to it! What are we all drinking this month?

  Kuzubağ, part of the Çal Bağ Yolu, is located in the Çal district of Denizli in Turkey's inner Aegean. The winery’s vineyards sit at an elevation of 850 meters in clay-loam and calcareous soil. Given the elevation, there’s a great difference between day and night temperatures allowing grapes to ripen over a longer period while retaining their freshness. Here they grow a range of native and international grapes, including of course the local Çal Karası. [easy-image-collage id=20320]   Recently, I had the pleasure of finally visiting Kuzubağ! I can say without a doubt that it is one of the most beautiful wineries in the country. No surprise they've won several architectural

  Summer has arrived hard and fast in Turkey with temperatures already soaring into the 30s even in Istanbul. Air conditioning units work round the clock and electricity outages have increased apace of everyone running those units. While I love white wine (and am increasingly coming around to rosé), especially during this time of the year, not everyone does. Even if you do like white and rosé wines, the summer heat is no reason to give up your red wines entirely. “But no!” I can hear you exclaiming, “How can I drink red wine in this heat?” Chill them! Yes, you heard me, stick ‘em in the fridge. Before

  I write about Bornova Misketi a lot; about 25 times so far, in fact! And yet, I realized some time ago, that I somehow had neglected posting about my very favorite one. So, here is my rectifying that! Misket, the Turkish name for Muscat, not only makes some of best sweet wines in Turkey but is increasingly known for quality dry wines. Most likely a child of Muscat Blanc á Petit Grains, Bornova Misketi has its own genetic characteristics and is a Turkish grape. Although more common as a practice for black grapes, like many Turkish grapes it takes its name from its place of origin. Bornova Misketi, which means "muscat of