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Wine Reviews

HomeWine Reviews (Page 89)

  And we’re on another Vinkara wine this week; this time the Vinkara Kalecik Karası. I’m going to say that by and large there isn’t (or I haven’t found it yet) a bad Kalecik Karası, but this would be close. I begin to suspect that Vinkara just isn’t producing a lot of winners. Since I don’t have a great deal to say about the Vinkara Kalecik Karası I looked up the grape on my new favorite website, Wines of Turkey, to get a little bit more information about it. Apparently we must all pretend to be British when we talk about this wine and add an -er at the end of it: Kah-le-djic-car-ah-ser.

  I need to keep better track of my wine notes rather than scribbling them illegibly (to be fair all my scribbles are illegible) in the same notebook that I write everything else in. When I finally found the notes for the Vinkara Öküzgözü (pronounced: Oh-kooz-goe-zue) they were hidden in notes I’d made about a Marxism lecture I’d seen. The wine and lecture notes made about the same amount of no sense. Öküzgözü grapes are grown largely in Eastern Turkey in Anatolia. They make generally nice, easy drinking wines that medium bodied, high in acidity, which would explain why it felt somewhat tingly on the tongue after first opened but

  I am becoming a huge fan of the folks making wine over at Pamukkale. I think this is the fourth wine of theirs I’m reviewing? And so far every one of them has been a win. A few weeks ago I reviewed the semi-dry so this week it’s the Pamukkale Senfoni dry Sultaniye. Like the semi-dry, the Pamukkale Senfoni dry Sultaniye was a hair sweeter than I’d expect from a pure dry wine but it was definitely a far cry from being sweet. Floral and oaky on the nose and a pleasing goldeny color, the Pamukkale Senfoni dry Sultaniye was nice before I even had my first sip. And after that I wanted another! I

  I’ve had the Sultaniye grape a few times now but haven’t experience the Emir. And, frankly, because Kavakalidere’s 2012 Sade Sultaniye Emir was a less expensive wine I went for it. I won’t make this mistake again. The Sade Sultaniye Emir was very pale in color, almost colorless really until the light hit it showing a pale yellow color with hints of green. The nose was rather pleasant. In fact it smelled green, not in a grassy way but in a kind of green apple way. I also caught some floral and oak tones in the nose. It was in the flavor where the Sade Sultaniye Emir lost me. It

  Turkey has a lot of great food. But you really can only eat bread and meat for so long. Luckily I have found fantastic places for Thai, Korean, burgers, and even pulled pork. What I haven’t found is decent Chinese. Not that there’s not Chinese food in abundance here, because there is. But every time I’ve tried it hasn’t gone well. So when a friend posted on Facebook that she made a fiery pepper chicken similar to the dried pepper chicken at DC’s fabulous Szechuan Pavillion, I had to try to make it. The recipe is actually pretty easy and I only had to make a couple substitutions; for