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Bornova Misketi Tag

HomePosts tagged "Bornova Misketi"

  I was lucky enough to recently be invited to a tasting of Nif Bağları wines at Foxy Nişantaşı. As my focus tends to land on the wineries that work more vigorously with native grapes, some wineries, like Nif, often fall to the fringes of my drinking and writing. I therefore especially enjoyed this opportunity of returning to Nif's wines.  It was somehow only at this tasting that I learned why the winery is called Nif. I certainly have wondered (!) and cannot believe I never thought to ask. The winery is located in Kemalpaşa, İzmir. But, as with many cities in Turkey, the area has a much older

  I write about Bornova Misketi a lot; about 25 times so far, in fact! And yet, I realized some time ago, that I somehow had neglected posting about my very favorite one. So, here is my rectifying that! Misket, the Turkish name for Muscat, not only makes some of best sweet wines in Turkey but is increasingly known for quality dry wines. Most likely a child of Muscat Blanc á Petit Grains, Bornova Misketi has its own genetic characteristics and is a Turkish grape. Although more common as a practice for black grapes, like many Turkish grapes it takes its name from its place of origin. Bornova Misketi, which means "muscat of

  I've written about a couple few wines now from Akberg. This winery emerged from less than savory "fruit wine" origins to create interesting (grape) wines. In cooperation with Gülçin Akçay, one of our best winemakers, Akberg sources native grapes from across the country. Some, like Narince, Bornova Misketi, and Papazkarası are grapes we know well. Others, like Osmanca and Erçis Karası are specific to them/emerging grapes. Only recently had I been able to try the Akberg Büyük Bağ Bornova Misketi. Kind of a funny story about how that happened. If you have no desire to read through my rambling story, feel free to skip down to the notes below! We lose power

  Every year - well every year that I remember - I like to do a quick review of the wines I posted about during the year that I most enjoyed, that most surprised me, etc. So with no further ado, let's jump into my favorite Turkish wines of 2023! My Favorite Sparkling Wines There weren't many new sparkling wines released this year. And frankly, with the skyrocketing price of most Turkish bubbles, I didn't really drink much. And while the Paşaeli Karasakız Pét-Nat may not be a fair wine to include, as it was a super limited bottling, it nonetheless gets a spot.  My Favorite White Wines Over the last few years,

  Several years ago, I tried to blind taste wine every day during Advent. That was a challenge. Partially logistically. I only thought about it a few weeks before Advent began and, even though I disguised all the bottles, I remembered what at least several of them were. Plus drinking and posting in a day was hard! This year, I'm taking an easier route. Simply posting about one wine every day. These mostly won't be long posts with lots of background information about wineries and grapes. More like quick and dirty reviews! So, let's get to it! Advent, Day 1 Kavaklidere Misket, 2022 I've seen this wine around for ages and ages, one

  Last year I fell in love with Kuzubağ wines. They came out of the gate with seven very successful and reasonably priced (a miracle here these days) wines. Kuzubağ has returned with its sophomore vintage now and it's already looking very promising.  They've added new wines to the stable this year, both white and reds. I still love all the white wines from their freshman vintage so I immediately snapped up two of the new ones: a Bornova Misketi and a Çal Karası blanc de noir. Kuzubağ, part of the Çal Bağ Yolu, is located in the Çal district of Denizli in Turkey's inner Aegean. The winery’s vineyards sit at

  Some years ago, when I visited Ma'Adra, they told me that they were growing Bornova Misketi. It would not be until a few years later that they were able to release their first wine with it. Bornova Misketi went though something of a dry revolution. While sweet wines did not completely disappear, they certainly lost ground as many wineries switched to or make exclusively dry wines with the grape. Now, however, we're seeing sweet Bornova Misketi, mostly semi-sweet and off-dry wines, slowly creep back in. Personally, I love a sweet wine at any sweetness level. But, for people who are cautious about whether or not they'll like sweet wines,

  This June, Camilla from Culinary Cam has invited the #WinePW crew to explore wine and cheese pairings. Any cheese, any wine, any region our hearts desire! You can read her invitation post here. If you're reading this in time, join us for our Twitter chat on Saturday, June 10 at 11 AM EST and tell us about your favorite wine and cheese pairings! I love cheese. And when I say I love cheese, I mean that I LOVE cheese. If the choice came down to chocolate or cheese, cheese all the way. I also have an entire auxiliary freezer for cheese (and pork because, you know, I live in

  Wine trends may come late to Turkey, but when they comes they do it with a vengeance. One of the most recent to sink its teeth in has been that of "natural" wine. And we all know how I feel about that. The next person who emails me to say they're coming to Turkey and want wine recommendations but "I/we  only drink natural or at least biodynamic wine" I will hunt down this person and punch them in the face. So, please, don't send me that email. Small rant aside, let's talk about the Kastro Tireli Hermos line. Kastro Tireli's wines have always been "natural" adjacent as the winery

  Okay, well new-ish anyway. I first tried the İkidenizarası Bornova Misketi last fall when I saw their wines at La Cave in Cihangir. İkidenizarası is a new (again, new-ish) winery in the Urla district of the Aegean, Izmir region.  Between Two Seas İkidenizarası means "between two seas" and, while both of those seas are the Aegean, the winery does sit on the Urla peninsula putting it between two different sections of the Aegean. It's also conveniently located just a stone's throw from the Urla Bağevi Vineyard Hotel (one of my favorite places in Urla) in the Yağcilar village. In 1999, Serhat Akbay began experimenting with vines and making wine here. In due