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Vinkara Tag

HomePosts tagged "Vinkara" (Page 3)

  And we’re on another Vinkara wine this week; this time the Vinkara Kalecik Karası. I’m going to say that by and large there isn’t (or I haven’t found it yet) a bad Kalecik Karası, but this would be close. I begin to suspect that Vinkara just isn’t producing a lot of winners. Since I don’t have a great deal to say about the Vinkara Kalecik Karası I looked up the grape on my new favorite website, Wines of Turkey, to get a little bit more information about it. Apparently we must all pretend to be British when we talk about this wine and add an -er at the end of it: Kah-le-djic-car-ah-ser.

  I need to keep better track of my wine notes rather than scribbling them illegibly (to be fair all my scribbles are illegible) in the same notebook that I write everything else in. When I finally found the notes for the Vinkara Öküzgözü (pronounced: Oh-kooz-goe-zue) they were hidden in notes I’d made about a Marxism lecture I’d seen. The wine and lecture notes made about the same amount of no sense. Öküzgözü grapes are grown largely in Eastern Turkey in Anatolia. They make generally nice, easy drinking wines that medium bodied, high in acidity, which would explain why it felt somewhat tingly on the tongue after first opened but