Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.

December 2021

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  Last year, the #WinePW group celebrated the December 4 #CabFrancDay with pairings and wines from around the world. I of course joined in with a selection of Cab Franc wines from Turkey. This year the blog group chose another theme for December, but I'm celebrating the day regardless. And I am so thrilled to, at long last, be able to celebrate it with not just any Cab Franc, but with a bottle of wine from Dracaena Wines, the #CabFrancDay founders! The Story of Dracaena Wines and #CabFrancDay Lori and Michael Budd's winemaking story has a familiar ring to it. Wine lovers who became winemakers. But that's where the familiarity ends.

  It's December and Christmas is around the corner!! Is your tree up? Mine is and this year it's covered with a new selection of wine label ornaments! So far not even naughty Dr. Watson has attempted to climb it. Perhaps she'll received more than a lump of coal in her stocking this! What does your horoscope say you should try drinking in December? Read on and find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Take this month to stop and check in with yourself. How has the past year affected you? Often we blow off a lot of the external things in our life and don't pay attention to how much