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August 2024


  Each one of America's 50 states produces wine. You don't have to be a wine aficionado to have heard of wine from California, Oregon, Washington, or New York. The more adventurous drinker of American wine may also be familiar with wine from Michigan, Virginia, Texas, or even New Mexico. But even the more 'unusual suspects' states produce wine, such as Idaho, Hawaii, and Florida. And yes, even that most northern of states, sitting on the 60th parallel, Alaska. Certainly it is not the first state that comes to mind when one thinks about winemaking! The climate is largely subarctic with pockets here and there of dry-summer subarctic and

  Since shifting some of its focus to quality wines, Selçuk area-based Akberg Winery has sourced grapes from around the country.  Narince from its home in Tokat, Emir from Cappadocia, Papazkarası from Thrace, Çalkarası from Çal, and so on. The winery's decision to do so stems from its belief that a grape naturally grows in certain terroir for a reason. While a grape might happily grow elsewhere (Narince being a great example), not all react well to that (Emir). The winery then views the entirely of Turkey as one giant vineyard, ergo its label, Büyükbağ (large vineyard).  [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] Osmanca - photo from Wayana Wine Bar[/caption] But not all of Akberg's

  The Urla district of İzmir in Turkey's Aegean region has become a hotbed of trendy wineries. Many belong to the Urla Bağ Yolu (the easiest, if not the most interesting wine route to navigate). But not all wineries in the area belong to the wine route. Personally, I find those few to be the more interesting wineries. Like Hus Şarapçılık. Founded in 2017 by Ceylan Ertörer Diaz Leon and Juan Pablo Diaz Leon, Hus Şarapçılık is a family venture that blends the Chilean wine background of Juan Pablo's family, and the agricultural history belong to Ceylan's family. Sadly, in 2021, Juan Pablo passed away. Ceylan has bravely continued the

  Used to be that Markogianni was not a winery with which I was familiar. A friend recommended their Vorias and Helios amber Assyrtiko to me some time ago. That one wine was all it took really to sell me on the whole winery. Subsequent trips have seen me tracking down more and more of their wines and I am dying to visit them.  Located to the far west of the country, near the Ionian sea and ancient Olympia,  Markogianni Winery is a family-run winery launched in 1982. They soon converted to organic cultivation and in 2001 were certified by DIO. Between their own vineyards and the growers with whom

  Summer is horrible. The entire season should be eliminated. Let's just extend spring and fall a month a and a half each and skip this miserable, hot, sweaty, can't afford air conditioning period.  Let's get on to what we're drinking in August! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You've been spending a lot of quality time with your favorite people. Time with friends and family have invigorated you with passion and enthusiasm and you've strengthened your bonds with them by tending to their needs.  Other people’s problems are often easier to navigate than your own. But consider this: Are you avoiding the mess in your own life by fixing other people’s? The