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HomeArticles (Page 3)

  Since November seems to have forgot how to be autumn, we'll see what kind of weather December has in store. The seasons here can be such a rollercoaster throwing ups and downs and twists and turns at us. Much like life itself does. And as we approach this final month of 2023, many are taking stock of what happened during the year and making plans and resolutions for the year ahead.  Me, I'm ignoring the future. It'll always be there tomorrow. December is all about Christmas and I cannot wait to put up the tree and dive into Christmas music and movies. So yeah, we all have a different approach

  We leave behind the tricks and treats of Halloween and October for a new month. Hopefully one that is actually autumn-like. Every new month is a fresh start for us. A time to reevaluate, start something new, or just start anew.  So what will I be drinking this month? I have several things planned! But more importantly, what will YOU be drinking? Read on to find out what the Universe recommends.  Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) This month you'll hear a siren's song calling you to exploration. It could mean travel is in the cards for you, or perhaps expanding our current world through learning something new. This spirit of

  Holy cats July was miserable! Horrible, hot weather including the hottest day Istanbul has had in years. During which, no less, my precious wines and I were without power for almost 48 hours! That was not in my horoscope. Here's to hoping that August will be a little milder.  I don't know about you, but all I want to do these days is crush some nice, light white wine. Let's see if the future has any of that in store for us! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Strap on your seatbelt and be prepared this month to steer your life into a new direction - emotionally speaking. You'll come to

  Well we had a nice three-day spring before summer dropped on us like a ton of bricks. Hopefully none of us have anything serious or strenuous that we need to deal with this month because it's going to be hot! Hot weather calls for some nice, bright wines to cool us all down.  I have a few ideas of what I want to drink this month, what about you? Need inspiration from the universe to decide? Read on to find out what it recommends for you! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) July will offer you time to address your mental health journey and progression toward self-betterment. Remember also that not

  Hello spring! You have finally graced us with your presence. Huzzah! This month I say Happy Birthday to several very good Gemini and Cancer friends, hopefully the Universe grants them a great wine! What will they - and you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You may be feeling unsure these days of what will make you happy. Don't fall into a black hole and shut yourself away from people while you figure it out. Now is not the time to shy away from the love and affection people are trying to give you. It's okay if you don't know right this

  Well April was kind of miserable, wasn't it? Hopefully it's true about April showers bringing May flowers. Given the amount of rain we got, if it is true, we're going to be drowning in flowers! But, temperatures do seem to finally be on the rise and soon we'll be reveling in the warmer temperatures and sunshine. The promise of such nice weather deserves some good wine to go with it! What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Be on the look out for major changes unfolding in your life this May. Achieving new heights

  Well March was all miserable and depressing weather. Here's to hoping April remembers that it is an entirely spring month. A few showers here and there perhaps we can tolerate, but we could all use a little more warmth and sun to tackle what we have ahead of us.  What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) The freshness of spring (not that we've seen any of that weather) will give you a new perspective this month and help you take risks. One big risk to tackle - speak up for yourself and others, even if