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HomeArticles (Page 4)

  It sure felt like spring had sprung during the second half of February. Even my crocuses are blooming! But my experience both here and being from a northern state says that we shouldn't get too comfortable yet and that winter may once again rear its cold, snowy head. It likely won't be pretty when it does! Especially not for me as I've already been enjoying wine on my balcony.  What have I been drinking? Well, you'll have to check previous blog posts for that! What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Just read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, do

  I don't know about you all, but the beginning of 2023 did not treat me well! Despite vowing to not participate in dry January, circumstances forced a two week fast on me. So, I feel quite happy to see the end of the month. Hopefully February will treat me better! Given my lack of drinking last month, I have many plans for February. What will you be drinking? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, brace yourself for frustrating drama. This is going to be a roller coaster month for you with ups and downs and swells of turmoil. The part that really sucks is that

  Every year - well every year that I remember - I like to do a quick review of the wines I posted about during the year that I most enjoyed, that most surprised me, etc. So with no further ado, let's jump into my favorite Turkish wines of 2022! My Favorite Sparkling Wines Sparkling wines are always going to be at the tippy top of my list! Not many new sparkling wines were released this year but, even if it were the only one, the Arcadia Pét-Nat Sauvignon Gris would still sit at the top of the tippy top.  Yaşasın is not new but it still makes my list. This year, I

  Happy 2023 to everyone! Who's made a resolution for the new year? Share in the comments below!  I'm not one for resolutions generally but I can tell you one I shall NOT be making and that's dry January. Dry January?! Obviously that's not happening here. Start the year the way you intend to end it; pickled. I already have a few wines lined up for myself for this month. What will you be drinking? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Does anyone else silently sing the Aquarius song from Hair when they hear the word? No? Just me

  It's December! The winter solstice is around the corner but, even more exciting, Christmas! My tree is up! Is yours? Especially in light of the tragedy we all faced in Istanbul last month, it's more important than ever that we embrace this season of kindness, generosity, and giving.  Those three wise mandates (haha see what I did there?) should most certainly be how we act towards others, but also to ourselves. Be kind to yourself

  Merlober is in the rearview mirror so we can get back on with wine that isn't Merlot this month! So far (knock on wood) it's been a rather beautiful autumn. Hopefully things continue that way! I can't promise any such smooth sailings in your horoscope, but I can promise some nice wine recommendations? How do I manage to do that every month? Must be the plants aligning or some other such nonsense.  Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) November presents you with an opportunity to heal by taking a deep dive into your past to explore how your early childhood experiences have influenced your emotional attachments. This will lead to further

  My last wine bar review released a maelstrom of comments and conversations about the lack of extensive (or really even good) by the glass options. What a marvelous coincidence then that antidote this problem emailed me days later. Enter Cenap Kuzuoğlu. The man behind the late, lamented BEPPE* has opened a new place in Moda where BEPPE was: Wayana.  With COVID-related shutdowns and, frankly, being exhausted by the extensive pizza menu, Kuzuoğlu decided to create a new brand that focuses on wine. He began, much like many of us poor saps, as a wine drinker, a wine lover, but not he says, as a wine enthusiast. All that changed

  Summer is over; even if no one told the weather forecast that it's supposed to be! Those who had the summer off are back to work. School is starting (or has already!). Harvest is in full swing! Even if September isn't the beginning of the calendar year, it is the beginning of the "regular" year. So, what will this "new year" hold for you? Read on and find out what your horoscope suggests! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) This September is all about looking to the future with hope and calming any unnecessary worries. If you're in that happy minority with your finances set, let yourself sit back and relax. You don't