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Rose Wine

HomeRose Wine (Page 4)

  Well we had a nice three-day spring before summer dropped on us like a ton of bricks. Hopefully none of us have anything serious or strenuous that we need to deal with this month because it's going to be hot! Hot weather calls for some nice, bright wines to cool us all down.  I have a few ideas of what I want to drink this month, what about you? Need inspiration from the universe to decide? Read on to find out what it recommends for you! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) July will offer you time to address your mental health journey and progression toward self-betterment. Remember also that not

  This June, Camilla from Culinary Cam has invited the #WinePW crew to explore wine and cheese pairings. Any cheese, any wine, any region our hearts desire! You can read her invitation post here. If you're reading this in time, join us for our Twitter chat on Saturday, June 10 at 11 AM EST and tell us about your favorite wine and cheese pairings! I love cheese. And when I say I love cheese, I mean that I LOVE cheese. If the choice came down to chocolate or cheese, cheese all the way. I also have an entire auxiliary freezer for cheese (and pork because, you know, I live in

  Hello spring! You have finally graced us with your presence. Huzzah! This month I say Happy Birthday to several very good Gemini and Cancer friends, hopefully the Universe grants them a great wine! What will they - and you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You may be feeling unsure these days of what will make you happy. Don't fall into a black hole and shut yourself away from people while you figure it out. Now is not the time to shy away from the love and affection people are trying to give you. It's okay if you don't know right this

  Well April was kind of miserable, wasn't it? Hopefully it's true about April showers bringing May flowers. Given the amount of rain we got, if it is true, we're going to be drowning in flowers! But, temperatures do seem to finally be on the rise and soon we'll be reveling in the warmer temperatures and sunshine. The promise of such nice weather deserves some good wine to go with it! What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Be on the look out for major changes unfolding in your life this May. Achieving new heights

  Moldovan wine has been quietly moving into the Turkish wine market for a few years. Unsurprisingly, a fair amount from Purcari. The story of Chateau Purcari mirrors the story of Moldovan wine itself. In 1827 Tzar Nicholas I issued a special decree granting Purcari the status of the first specialized winery in Bessarabia. Run by German immigrants for most of the nineteenth century, the winery first achieved fame in 1878 when a bottle of Negru de Purcari won a gold medal at a Paris exhibition. Chateau Purcari went on to survive nationalization and the Soviets, several wars, and emerged into the new Republic of Moldova pretty much where

  How many times have I said that I'm not a pink fan? I think for five times I say that, at least two wines semi reverse my opinion! Despite not being a huge fan of it, I do have a rather large collection of rosé in the wine room. Partially because I do attempt to try all the new wines (if not new vintages) that come out here. And also, because I have learned, that as long as the wine isn't electric pink, there's a fair chance that it will be nice. When Akın Gürbüz released his new blush last year, I happily snapped up a bottle. Because a)

  It sure felt like spring had sprung during the second half of February. Even my crocuses are blooming! But my experience both here and being from a northern state says that we shouldn't get too comfortable yet and that winter may once again rear its cold, snowy head. It likely won't be pretty when it does! Especially not for me as I've already been enjoying wine on my balcony.  What have I been drinking? Well, you'll have to check previous blog posts for that! What will I - and more importantly you! - be drinking this month? Just read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, do

  Every year - well every year that I remember - I like to do a quick review of the wines I posted about during the year that I most enjoyed, that most surprised me, etc. So with no further ado, let's jump into my favorite Turkish wines of 2022! My Favorite Sparkling Wines Sparkling wines are always going to be at the tippy top of my list! Not many new sparkling wines were released this year but, even if it were the only one, the Arcadia Pét-Nat Sauvignon Gris would still sit at the top of the tippy top.  Yaşasın is not new but it still makes my list. This year, I

  It's December! The winter solstice is around the corner but, even more exciting, Christmas! My tree is up! Is yours? Especially in light of the tragedy we all faced in Istanbul last month, it's more important than ever that we embrace this season of kindness, generosity, and giving.  Those three wise mandates (haha see what I did there?) should most certainly be how we act towards others, but also to ourselves. Be kind to yourself

  Over the winter I met some of the family behind new Çal-based winery, Kuzubağ. Historically, the wineries located on the Denizli-Çal plateau have produced more bulk, lower-quality wines. Kuzubağ is one of the new wineries here that want to change that image. One of the ways they're doing it is to emphasize the local grape, Çalkarası.  The winery's vineyards sit at an elevation of 850 meters in clay-loam and calcareous soil. Given the elevation, there's a great difference between day and night temperatures allowing grapes to ripen over a longer period while retaining their freshness. Here they grow not only Çalkarası, but also Kalecik Karası, Öküzgözü, Narince, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.  The