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Rose Wine

HomeRose Wine (Page 7)

  Last year, one of my most popular posts was an interview with Uçmakdere winemaker Işıl Bulutsuz. A number of people asked for more interviews. One of my goals this year is to do just that. I am getting a bit of a late start since it's already April! It did take me a while to figure out video editing (which as you'll see is still very much a work in progress). Anyway, I'm finally able to post my first interview. Tina Lino While she's not Turkish, I decided to start with Tina Lino, who, unlike many of the foreign winemakers and consultants working with wineries here, actually lives here. And,

  It's finally spring! The snow is over for real now and warmer weather is already here. I for one cannot wait to get back to gardening and sitting on my balcony. What are you excited about this spring? With warmer weather on the rise, many might be thinking it's time to switch to drinking rosés and white. But there is still room for red wine! What does your horoscope say you should try drinking in April? Read on and find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) What's that saying about April showers bringing May flowers? This month will give you a fresh perspective if you take a few risks. Speak up

  When Arda Bağcılık first started producing wines, it focused on international grape varieties like Cabernet and Shiraz. The family-run wine has slowly been introducing native grapes. First Narince, and now the last few years, Papazkarası. Arda seems to have found its grape in Papazkarası making not one wine with it, but four. The Papazkarası series, called Gala, takes its name from the Gala Gölü (Gala Lake), close to the Aegean and near the Turkey-Greece border. Located some 170 kilometers from the winery, this is where the winery sources its Papazkarası grapes. The series includes a blanc de noir, two rosés, and a red blend. Arda Gala Blanc de Noir Papazkarası,

  It may not seem like it with all the rain and cold days, but spring is just around the corner. Lent starts tomorrow (what are you sacrificing this year?), and soon Easter will come. What else is around the corner? What does your horoscope say you should try drinking in March? Read on and find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Introspection is your word of the month. Take some time this month to focus on the deeper emotional needs in your life that you don't usually allow yourself to think about or even acknowledge. You needn't confront anyone with anything this month if you're not ready. It's perfectly fine to

  I first learned about Chatzivaritis Estate from one of Moshe Cohen's In the Vineyard With podcast episodes, A Greek Wine Odyssey. It sounded like the winery did some pretty cool things so I made a note to track down some wine on my next trip to Athens. Happily, shopping for wine online in Greece is very easy. I hopped on my favorite website, Greece and Grapes, which had several bottles from Chatzivaritis Estate. I was particularly interested in the Pét-Nat. The blanc de noirs never seems to be in stock (very sad) but I snagged the rosé! Κτήμα Χατζηβαρύτη / Chatzivaritis Estate Chatzivaritis Estate, founded by Vagelis Chatzivaritis and his wife Olga

  Foça Karası, a nearly extinct grape from Izmir’s Foça district, is currently championed by only a few wineries, namely Öküzgözü Şarapçılık. Foça Karası (foe-cha ka-ra-sih) berries are small to medium in size and slightly elongated with thick skin. They grow in kind of loose, single-lobed, medium-sized bunches. It’s a mid-ripening grape that makes aromatic wines full of sour cherry, strawberry, prune, clove, black pepper, dill, black currant leaf, and licorice. While in Turkey this grape follows the "black of" naming pattern, this grape also goes by another name: Fokiano. While we know it as Foça Karası in Turkey, in Greece Fokiano (Φωκιανό) grows mainly on the Aegean islands (and a

  While 2020 was straight-up awful, 2021 had a few more ups. Certainly there were downs! But the slowly slowly back to normal life certainly made the downs more bearable. Oh and my book finally came out! So that was a huge highlight for me! Of course I drank a ton of wine in 2021! I haven't actually posted reviews of all of them yet (I drink faster than I write); so just a quick look at some of my favorite wines from 2021. The Whites I won't lie, I vastly prefer white wine to red wine. Sadly for me, Turkey seems to think that it's a red wine country so there

  I recently came back from a trip to Crete. My first time on the island, in fact my first time in ages outside of Athens. I met E&M there for M's 40th birthday. But bonus! I also got to meet up with my awesome friend Anna Maria of Unraveling Wine and Chania Wine Tours! We spent the week there in what, apparently, was some of the worst weather they've had in years. Pouring buckets of rain, what felt like gale force winds, and a 5.8 earthquake. We got rained out of several activities and/or things were closed for the season. But, a few nice moments with blue skies allowed

  It's December and Christmas is around the corner!! Is your tree up? Mine is and this year it's covered with a new selection of wine label ornaments! So far not even naughty Dr. Watson has attempted to climb it. Perhaps she'll received more than a lump of coal in her stocking this! What does your horoscope say you should try drinking in December? Read on and find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Take this month to stop and check in with yourself. How has the past year affected you? Often we blow off a lot of the external things in our life and don't pay attention to how much