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Sparkling Wine

HomeSparkling Wine (Page 3)

  Since November seems to have forgot how to be autumn, we'll see what kind of weather December has in store. The seasons here can be such a rollercoaster throwing ups and downs and twists and turns at us. Much like life itself does. And as we approach this final month of 2023, many are taking stock of what happened during the year and making plans and resolutions for the year ahead.  Me, I'm ignoring the future. It'll always be there tomorrow. December is all about Christmas and I cannot wait to put up the tree and dive into Christmas music and movies. So yeah, we all have a different approach

  This month, the #ItalianFWT group is exploring the wines of Piemonte and/or Valle d'Aosta. Culinary Cam will be hosting a Twitter (I refuse to call it X), on Saturday, November 4 at 8am Pacific/11am EST/6pm Istanbul. You can read her invitation to the event here.  Lacking any wine from the Valle d'Aosta, I chose a wine from Piemonte. I have several on hand at the moment but my overwhelming love for anything bubbly trumped all the other wines, and so I had to choose a Brachetto. Brachetto the grape and the wine Brachetto is both a grape and a wine, both of which hail from Piemonte. The berries are dense and firm

  Deanna of Wineivor has invited the #ItalianFWT group to explore the Vento and the Wines of Romance this month! As Deanna pointed out in her invite, the Vento is well-known for its wines, among them Prosecco, Valpolicella, Soave, Bardolino, and Amarone. I chose to focus on Prosecco. Not just because I love bubbles (which of course I do!) but because of the memories associated with it.  In October 2019, I took my mother to Italy, her first trip there. We went to Rome because if you're Catholic you go to Rome, and we went to Venice. At every meal or stop to rest (she not being super mobile), I

  Even though I finally made it to Slovenia a few years ago, I barely got a taste of the wine! Despite the fact that taste wine was mostly all I did for the few days I was there! So when I had the chance to make a big wine order from the US, Slovenian wine was one of the things I looked for. Not only did I find some, I was thrilled that what I found was sparkling! This wine had a crazy journey. From Slovenia to the US to Turkey with how many stops and what kind of conditions along the way. I felt a little trepidatious about

  Jennifer from Vino Travels has invited the #ItalianFWT group to discover the wines of Emilia Romagna and/or Liguria this August! I've been waiting for this one since I saw the year's event calendar because I LOVE Lambrusco!! My very fist sip of Lambrusco happened over 20 years ago but I still remember it. I can picture the restaurant so clearly in my head. It was 2000 and I was in Tübingen for the summer to study German (incidentally, the stupidest place to send German language students). There was an Italian restaurant across bridge over the Neckar and immediately to the left along the Neckarfront. I was not legal drinking

  Holy cats July was miserable! Horrible, hot weather including the hottest day Istanbul has had in years. During which, no less, my precious wines and I were without power for almost 48 hours! That was not in my horoscope. Here's to hoping that August will be a little milder.  I don't know about you, but all I want to do these days is crush some nice, light white wine. Let's see if the future has any of that in store for us! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Strap on your seatbelt and be prepared this month to steer your life into a new direction - emotionally speaking. You'll come to

  Bubbles bubbles everywhere! This month, Deanna from Wineivore has invited the #WinePW crew to explore Cava. Join us for a brief chat on Twitter Saturday, July 8 at 11 AM EST (that's 18:00 Istanbul time!) by following the #WinePW hashtag. Cava is an often overlooked sparkling wine. Significantly less expensive (usually) than Champagne but also a traditional method sparkling wine, Cava can be a simple and enjoyable bottle of bubbles. However, there are Cava houses making serious wines with depth and complexity as well. It can be difficult to know what you're getting though. Part of that reason is because, while the "heart" of Cava production is in Catalonia,

  Hello spring! You have finally graced us with your presence. Huzzah! This month I say Happy Birthday to several very good Gemini and Cancer friends, hopefully the Universe grants them a great wine! What will they - and you! - be drinking this month? Read on to find out! Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You may be feeling unsure these days of what will make you happy. Don't fall into a black hole and shut yourself away from people while you figure it out. Now is not the time to shy away from the love and affection people are trying to give you. It's okay if you don't know right this

  Moldovan wine has been quietly moving into the Turkish wine market for a few years. Unsurprisingly, a fair amount from Purcari. The story of Chateau Purcari mirrors the story of Moldovan wine itself. In 1827 Tzar Nicholas I issued a special decree granting Purcari the status of the first specialized winery in Bessarabia. Run by German immigrants for most of the nineteenth century, the winery first achieved fame in 1878 when a bottle of Negru de Purcari won a gold medal at a Paris exhibition. Chateau Purcari went on to survive nationalization and the Soviets, several wars, and emerged into the new Republic of Moldova pretty much where

  I briefly mentioned the Yaban Kolektif during a previous post about Patkara. Since that collaboration with the Asmadan winery, Yaban Kolektif has partnered with Vinolus to create two new wines from the rare grape, Sungurlu. Similar to the Patkara origin stories, Sungurlu has previously only been vinified by Urla Şarapçılık as part of its limited Discovery series. Since then, we haven't seen anything from this grape.  From Yaban's Instagram: Yaban is a step taken to reunite viticulture and winemaking in Turkey with its past and forgotten values. We lost our rich viticulture culture, winemaking techniques, traditions, festivities and rituals in a short time after the natural disasters and forced population