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White Wine

HomeWhite Wine (Page 5)

  We've still got a couple weeks until spring is official by the calendar, but it seems to have arrived in Istanbul early. Although if past winter/spring seasons are prologue, then we could well see snow in the city in March. I'm hoping that is not our future this month, but it's difficult to know what the universe has in store! Slightly less murky than our weather forecast is our drinking forecast! So, which wines will we all be hunting down this month? Read on to find out.  Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Aquarius, this month brings a possibly unique opportunity to turn your creative ideas into passive income streams. We

  I had my first encounter with Sideritis at the Athens wine expo Oenorama a couple years ago. Only two or three examples were available to try at the time, but I've since been able to hunt down a few more. Never heard of Sideritis? Not surprising. While it seems to be moving on from 'rare' and into 'emerging', it's still not something you'll find on everyone's list/shelves.  A pink-skinned grape, Sideritis (Σιδερίτης) can be found in a few different locations around Greece, namely Patras on the Peloponnese peninsula, Central Greece, and in northern Greek in Macedonia. It takes its name from the Greek word ‘sidero’ (iron), referring to the

  I've written about a couple few wines now from Akberg. This winery emerged from less than savory "fruit wine" origins to create interesting (grape) wines. In cooperation with Gülçin Akçay, one of our best winemakers, Akberg sources native grapes from across the country. Some, like Narince, Bornova Misketi, and Papazkarası are grapes we know well. Others, like Osmanca and Erçis Karası are specific to them/emerging grapes. Only recently had I been able to try the Akberg Büyük Bağ Bornova Misketi. Kind of a funny story about how that happened. If you have no desire to read through my rambling story, feel free to skip down to the notes below! We lose power

  If you haven't checked your calendar yet, you might not have noticed that this year is a leap year! Hello, rarely seen February 29. Julius Caesar instituted leap year back in 45 BC. By adding a single day every four years, he created a more or less consistent solar calendar. Like any oddity, leap year has a number of its own traditions and superstitions, many of them related to relationships! For example, apparently not only was is considered acceptable for women to propose to men on a leap day, the men could not refuse! It's said that Queen Margaret even imposed a fine for men who would deny

  So, 2023 is now behind us. Not such a bad year, all things considered. Although there's always hope that the future will be better and brighter. Whether or not you make resolutions, take some time as we say goodbye to the year to reflect on the lessons you learned and how you might apply them and do and be better in 2024. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) January's winter nights are cold and dark, the perfect place for shadows of the past to lurk and taunt you. Embrace the discomfort of facing them head-on. Remember that the wounds you carry are not your identity, but they way you deal

  Every year - well every year that I remember - I like to do a quick review of the wines I posted about during the year that I most enjoyed, that most surprised me, etc. So with no further ado, let's jump into my favorite Turkish wines of 2023! My Favorite Sparkling Wines There weren't many new sparkling wines released this year. And frankly, with the skyrocketing price of most Turkish bubbles, I didn't really drink much. And while the Paşaeli Karasakız Pét-Nat may not be a fair wine to include, as it was a super limited bottling, it nonetheless gets a spot.  My Favorite White Wines Over the last few years,

  Over the last two years, I've really enjoyed exploring some of the wines of Cephalonia (or Kefalonia, as you like). I've yet to make it there though although it's one of two Greek islands I'd really love to get to sometime soon. The other being Paros, if you were wondering. Until then, I shall just have to content myself with the Robola and other interesting wines from the islands that I can source in Athens. And while Robola may be the most prominent grape from Cephalonia, that's not what today's wine is.  Advent day 22 Sclavos Tsaousi, 2019 Sclavos Wines is one of the island's more prominent wineries. With possibly the

  Another day closer to Christmas! I kind of cannot believe that I managed to keep this going all through Advent. Well, almost all the way through, a few more days to go! Today's wine comes from one of my favorite winemakers, Akın Gürbüz. Advent day 20 Gürbüz Chardonnay, 2020 This was the first vintage with a varietal Chardonnay from Gürbüz. While I'm still only a tentative member of Team Chardonnay (I approach each new bottle with trepidation), I always want to at least try whatever he has made.  Grapes for this wine came from Tekirdağ and aged eight months oak. The wine poured a light lemon with green highlights and was

  Time for more bubbles! This one post a day challenge I set myself is going swimmingly. Or maybe all the wine just makes it seem like it is!  Riesling is possibly my favorite grape. Riesling bubbles?! Forget about it.  Advent day 16 Von Winning Riesling Extra Brut Sekt From the Deidesheim area of the Pfalz, the organic grapes for this non-vintage wine came from chalky, loess-clay soils and red sandstone. The wine, a traditional method, rested for some 24-28 months on the lees before disgorging. Lightly golden with excited bubbles bursting with aromas of warm citrus, golden apple, brioche, and crushed gravel. Bone dry with a creamy mousse and searing acidity. Gotta love