Hello Kayra Buzbağ Rezerv White – Where Have You Been?
Kayra Buzbağ and Kayra Buzbağ Rezerv have been around since forever. By which I mean at least the 10 years I’ve been knocking around Istanbul and many years prior to that. Kayra’s facility in Elazığ has been there for so long that they city grew up around it. Kayra has two wineries, but the Elazığ location is dedicated to the production of its wines made from regional grapes Öküzgözü and Boğazkere. Which are the grapes that have always gone into the Buzbağ blends. Which means also that Buzbağ Rezerv has also always been a red wine. There’s not been a Rezerv white until now.
Hello Kayra Buzbağ Rezerv White – Where Have You Been?
I stumbled across this at one of the large Istanbul trade shows earlier this year. It was one of my favorite finds and, until its prices get ridiculous, will become one of my go-to whites.
Kayra Buzbağ Rezerv, 2020
What’s in the Kayra Buzbağ Rezerv you ask? The wine combines two grapes we don’t see together all too frequently: Narince and Emir. Kayra is a large company so I’m going to assume that they’re pulling grapes from Tokat and Cappadocia (respectively). What they also don’t bother to put on the label, what percentage of each grape is in the wine. There’s really only one producer here who does that and bless her for the information.
The wine matured for eight months in 600 liter French oak. An unusual move for Emir which, thus far, has shown no affinity for oak. Although, personally, I think that’s due to clumsy winemaking and not the grape but let’s not get lost in a tangent.
Brilliant, pale green-straw in the glass with a delicate perfume. Top notes of all things lemon from the fruit to flowers and lemon balm give way to richer pear and playful mineral twists. It may sound simple but it was not. Round and silky with weight on the back palate, a vibrant acidity, and only 12.5% alcohol. Touches of lemon still present here but they gave way to richer flavors of Easter lily, vanilla mist, and pear compote.
Really lovely.
November 20, 2022
who is that one producer can I ask??
November 20, 2022
Chateau Nuzun lists the % of each grape in the blends on the wine’s back label 🙂
December 6, 2022
Deniz Konuralp
Hi Andrea
This looks like something I should try, I love both these grapes. Where can I find this wine? Will the producer deliver directly to my place or do I have to go looking for it at a supermarket/specialist wine shop?
Thank you.
December 6, 2022
Hi Deniz – I haven’t ever tried ordering directly from Kayra, it’s possible they don’t accept orders. However, it is available at places like Macro Center, probably larger Migros. IN Osmanbey (if you’re in Istanbul) I know Mensis Mahzen has it. I think possibly also Dekante in Istinye Park carries it. I hope that helps!