Pamukkale Sole and Diamond
I recently saw an Instagram post from Pamukkale showing several new wines and I had to try them. I’m a bit of a magpie and am attracted to shiny/sparkly objects so the label of the new Pamukkale Sole line attracted me right away. And for 16 TL how can you go wrong?
Normally Pamukkale is not one of my go-to producers. For one thing they’re responsible for Sava which is one of the cheapest wines available here and gives a bad name to vinegar. However since I can’t afford to spend 90+ TL on every bottle of wine I drink I am always looking for quality inexpensive wines. I don’t promise huge quality here, but the white Pamukkale Sole, which is a dry Sultaniye, was pretty quaffable.
Brilliant gold in the glass the Pamukkale Sole was very aromatic with a nose of flowers and tropical fruits. It was a little flabby; there was not a lot of acid to balance the flavor which became a problem as the wine warmed up so serve this right out of the refrigerator and you’ll still get the tropical flavors without the lack of acid making things awkward.
If you decide to give the Pamukkale Sole a try make sure you drink it within a few months of purchasing it and you store it out of the light. Clear bottles like this provide no protection for the wine inside opening the wine to major sun damage.
The Diamond is another newish line from Pamukkale and also only 16 TL a bottle (The Cave) it was not a horrible wine. I bought it a bit on impulse but then was reluctant to open it; I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
In the glass it was a rather beautiful color: brilliant clear wheat-gold. I’m not sure what the grape in the Diamond is because I am no where near that good yet (possible another Sultaniye-Pamukkale seems to like this grape) but whatever it was has a very fruity nose. There wasn’t a great deal of finish to this but the mouthwatering acid and dry, slightly oaky finish balanced well with the citrus, tropical, apple and floral flavors.
Is this even in the top 20 white wines I’ve tried this summer? No. But will you embarrass yourself if you take it to a party? Also no. For 16 TL it’s really perfectly drinkable.