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HomeArticlesThe Vintner Project and Turkish Wine 101

The Vintner Project and Turkish Wine 101


I am so excited to begin collaborating with The Vintner Project as a contributor to their fantastic site. It’s an honor to have something published alongside these knowledgeable, dedicated, and enthusiastic wine experts! And not only did I get a piece published, but one that features the amazing maps and infopgraphics made by the talented Empathia Creative!

Turkish Wine 101

The most common question I get about Turkish wine is an incredulous “Turkey makes wine?” Yes, it does! Unintentionally, Turkish wine remains a well-kept secret; but one well worth discovering. To help you do so, I offer a little primer on wine in Turkey.

Modern Turkey is the product of thousands of years acting as a crossroads between the East and the West, a fact that Istanbul uses as one of its big tourism selling points. It is famously the city that straddles two continents and this cultural melting pot has greatly influenced wine production in Turkey. The Hittite Kingdom ruled Anatolia from 1700 BC to 1200 BC and called the area “Wiyanawanda” or land of the grapevine…

Click to Read More of Turkish Wine 101 on The Vintner Project!

