Your August 2023 Turkish Wine Horoscope
Holy cats July was miserable! Horrible, hot weather including the hottest day Istanbul has had in years. During which, no less, my precious wines and I were without power for almost 48 hours! That was not in my horoscope. Here’s to hoping that August will be a little milder.
I don’t know about you, but all I want to do these days is crush some nice, light white wine. Let’s see if the future has any of that in store for us!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Strap on your seatbelt and be prepared this month to steer your life into a new direction – emotionally speaking. You’ll come to understand during August what it is that you need emotionally for yourself. While you’re putting yourself first and figuring out what those needs are the paths to achieving them, don’t forget that your interests and desires aren’t the only one. Especially if you have a significant other.
Regardless of the relationship – significant other, friends, family, etc – open up with people about your changing needs. But don’t be pushy and self-centered with how you go about doing so.
The wine for you …
Speaking of new directions. Last year, Kuzubağ burst onto the wine scene with not one, not two, but seven pretty stellar wines. This year they’ve given us FIVE more! One of their new wines is a lovely Bornova Misketi. Just what you need this month, easy drinking, great with food or on its own, not overly complicated or expensive. Enjoy.
Kuzubağ wines are becoming increasingly available so you shouldn’t have to look too hard for this, although they’re not yet in chain grocery stores. Get it at Rind, online from Iyi Sarap, Mensis Mahzen, Grape Wine Boutique, Casa Botti, etc.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
August offers you the opportunity to take time for quiet reflections and meditation, Pisces. If you’ve been having difficulties lately trusting yourself and your instincts, it’s especially important to take the time for this reflection. The more you deepen your connection to yourself, the more you’ll cultivate self-trust.
Whether or not you think it’s complete nonsense, take the time this month to at least try it. You’ll find that the more you both know and are comfortable with yourself, the more doors it will open in your future. Especially if it gives your instincts an edge and makes you more confident about following through on some of those ideas swirling around in your head.
The wine for you …
Since this is going to be a deep month for you, keep things light with an easy wine that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Try the Nif Bağları Aegean beyaz. They combination of Viognier, Narince, and Solaris is delicious, easy to drink, and will bring a smile to your face. Delightful and super drinkable.
Find it at chain stores like Carrefour and Macro Center, Mensis Mahzen, Casa Botti, Grape Wine Boutique, Iyi Sarap, and elsewhere.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
The universe is sending a asking you for a favor this month, Aries. Be kind to yourself.
While on the outside that might not seem like a big deal to many people, you tend to be pretty hard on yourself. This month when you make a mistake or run into a wall on something, take a breath, count to 10, whatever you need to do to pause and be conscious about not being hard on yourself. You’re actually a lot better at problem solving that you think you are but your own hang ups get in the way of your ability to see the solution.
The wine for you …
If you absolutely feel the need to atone for your perceived mistakes, reach for your wine of the month: Antioche Barburi Blanc. I do not mean blanc de noir, I mean blanc. Not only is this a refreshing white wine for the summer heat, but it’s a chance to put some good energy into the world! Antioche is based in Hatay and the winery and its workers were hit hard by the earthquakes. Buying Antioche wine is a way to support a local business and help rebuild their world.
Available at Casa Botti, Mensis Mahzen, possibly Macro Center, Rind, check Mahzen 26.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
No summer vacation for you, Taurus! Your ambitious side is stirring this month, prompting you to work on achieving some career goals. Take things to the next life by having a second and third look over your ongoing projects to refine and improve them. You’ll blow away your boss/clients with your work ethic and attention to detail.
The wine for you …
Winery owners and winemakers know all about refining projects until they’re perfect. Alp Törüner of Büyülübağ spent a lot of time getting his winery just right before he even turned to the task of making wine. Take inspiration from him and try the Büyülübağ Sauvignon Blanc this month. Who doesn’t love a Sauvignon Blanc? Not to mention it’s light and crisp character is perfect for this time of the year.
Look for this at Carrefour, Mensis Mahzen, Vinus, maybe Dekante, Savoy Tekel, Comedus, Carafe Istanbul, etc.
Gemini (May 20 – June 20)
Knowledge is what this month brings you, Gemini, both the gathering and sharing thereof. You’ll experience a few “ah ha!” moments that will deepen your understanding of certain things and help you see old problems with a fresh perspective.
On the other side of the coin, recent travel or study has filled you with new facts that you’re eager to share. Speak up confidently about the things you’ve learned but remember that not everyone wants a Wikipedia on tap friend.
The wine for you …
This month, try Midin Pembehi (review coming soon!). A fresh perspective on Öküzgözü-based rosés, Midin adds just a touch of the white Bilbizeki. Not for color, but for the acidity this grape brings to the often flabby Öküzgözü.
Get it at places like Mahzen 26, sometimes Mensis Mahzen, possibly Solera…I know I’ve seen these around elsewhere…
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Take the beginning of August to turn your attention inward. Be ready for moments of sudden clarity that will help you process some unresolved thoughts, feelings, or issues. However, make sure you aren’t ignoring important tasks, deadlines, etc. The end of the month will have you feeling a little fuzzy and you may find it more difficult to handle responsibilities and pay attention to details.
The wine for you …
Your wine to try this month: Kayra Buzbağ Rezerv Emir Narince. A new release from wine giant, Kayra, this is the first time they’ve released a white wine under the Buzbağ Reserve label. I’ve had a few Emir – Narince blends over the years and, in my opinion, this is the most successful. It’s bright flavors will help clear up any brain fuzz!
It also won’t break the bank! You can find out at Carrefour, Macro Center, likely larger Migros stores, and so forth.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
August is all about your favorite thing, Leo: You! But seriously. You may experience some instability to your routines this month as self-exploration has to exploring what matters to you. Think about how you can best allocate your time and energy into various parts of your life. Don’t be afraid to let go of any projects or aspects to your life that drain more of your resources than they’re worth.
The wine for you …
Zeynep at Arcadia knows all about throwing her time, energy, and resources into projects that pan out. So, this month, drink the Arcadia Odrysia Gris (review coming soon!) for a little inspiration! You see “Gris” and think you’re getting Pinot Gris…and you are to a degree of about 5%. But what you’re really getting is the opportunity to try a really underused grape called Sauvignon Gris! It’s a totally different ride.
Get it from Mensis Mahzen, Iyi Sarap, Dekante, La Cave, possibly Casa Botti, I feel like I’ve seen it at Macro Center…
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
August will have your brain working in overdrive, Virgo. However, don’t give into the temptation of following every idea that you have this month! Write them down somewhere so you remember what they are, because a few might be successful new projects for you. But concentrate this month on your priorities, refining your routine, and catching up on projects already underway.
The wine for you …
Canan Gerimli knows how to wisely diversify her project doingness so take a leaf (half pun there ’cause vines!) out of her book. This month, try the Gordias Fesleğen. A new(ish) grape, this is her third year commercially producing this grape. Bright and citrusy, a few sips of this will help kick you into gear.
This one is NOT easy to track down. But if you’re committed, places that have been known to carry it are Casa Botti and Solera. Dekante would also be a good bet. And of course you can always order from Canan!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Don’t let worries about the past overshadow opportunities coming your way, Libra. If you dwell too heavily on past stumbles, you’ll let your insecurities get in the way of chasing your dreams. August affords you the chance to get into an exciting project as long as you don’t let your nerves get the better of you.
The wine for you …
To help motivate you out of any nervous funks, your wine this month, try the Suvla Karasakız Blush. It’s not a namby pampy pink wine but a seriously flavorful and savory rosé that showcases this still sadly under the radar grape’s delicious character. If Suvla isn’t afraid to highlight this fantastic grape with some pretty great wines, you shouldn’t be nervous about sticking out your neck for projects you believe in either.
Buy it from Carrefour, Macro Center, Online Mahzen, and of course the various Suvla shops.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
Take time this month to calm that aggressive energy of yours this month, Scorpio. Instead, pay more attention to people and activities that offer you a sense of peace. A calm spirit will lead to clarity of mind from things that were causing you stress and will help you prioritize what’s important. You’ll be in a better position to take on (and perform well!) opportunities that spark your passion.
The wine for you …
Paşaeli knows all ab0ut passion projects. The whole winery is a passion project! But one of the things at which they most excel is taking lesser known (or entirely un-known) grapes and vinifying them in all manner of ways to see what they can do. Your wine this month then is the Paşaeli Yapıncak Pét-Nat. From the first producer of Turkish Pét-Nat, this bottle of bubbles will help spark some passion!
Find it at La Cave, Mensis Mahzen, possibly Grape Wine Boutique, probably Dekante, Casa Botti, Comedus, etc.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)
Follow your heart or regret it!! Dun dun duuuun… No, nothing that serious. But maybe it’s time for you to allow yourself to follow your passion or revive a dream you’ve been pushing down into the recesses of your heart. Whether it’s taking up a new type of education, travel, pulling the trigger on a big purchase you’ve been saving up for…living life safely is the promise of looking back with regret when it’s too late to change things.
The wine for you …
There is nothing to regret about the Turasan Emir! Crisp and salty with green apples, lime, lime leaf and blossom (if ever so slightly acidified), this is quintessential Emir. One of the oldest producers of this grape, Turasan’s remains the best value for money Emir on the market.
Happily this is pretty easy to find. You should be able to get this at most large grocery chains (Carrefour, Migros, Macro Center, Metro) as well as places like La Cave, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, Solera, Carafe Istanbul, etc etc.
Capricorn (December 23 – January 19)
August is about getting your groove back, Capricorn. If you’ve been feeling lately like you’re in a rut, a little foggy, stuck, or just somehow generally bummed out…take the first part of the month to really pinpoint what you think the problem is. Them do something about it!
Whatever doing something about it looks like to you…start a new workout routine, meditate, take a trip, buy a new cookbook and start cooking your way through it…shake things up and soon you’ll be back to your old self.
The wine for you …
To help shake things up, try Vino Dessera’s Entrika rosé blend! A bright, crisp, dry rosé just perfect for summer, this blends together Çalkarası and Emir with a splash of Öküzgözü for color. If you shy away from pink wines, I promise you’ll like this wine which drinks more like a white than a rosé! It’s just the kind of fun and interesting wine you need to help bring a little joy into your life!
A little tricky to track down (but worth it!) try Aperitivo around Caddebostan (conveniently owned by Vino Dessera), Carafe Istanbul, Macro Center, larger Migros stores, etc.
Please Help Turkey and Syria!
Turkey and Syria are still in desperate need of help after the horrific earthquakes that have decimated large areas of Turkey’s south east and northern Syria, please consider donating to one of the relief efforts if you are able:
- Animal rights organization Haytap is helping animals affected by the earthquake, and displaced people who need a place to stay with their pets. Other animal-focused groups such as Dört Ayaklı Şehir (Four-Legged City) and Work Animals Rescue Foundation, are also helping farm animals, street animals, and pets.
- Donate to civil society groups working on the ground to provide immediate relief and medium- to long-term recovery to survivors via UK-based Turkey Mozaik Foundation or US-based Turkish Philanthropy Funds.
- Donate to the volunteer response being carried out in Turkey by the trusted, independent NGOs İhtiyaç Haritası (Needs Map) or Ahbap.
- Hayata Destek (Support to Life), is a Turkish NGO experienced in providing humanitarian relief and working with underserved communities.
- World Central Kitchen provides funds and food to those still living in tents in the affected areas.
- To support rescue efforts in Syria, donate to White Helmets and SAMS.
- Field Ready Türkiye (Sahaya Hazır İnovasyon Derneği) is a team of engineers working in Gaziantep, Turkey, and northwest Syria who make cheap, low-tech airbags for search and rescue from buildings which have collapsed. “If we move fast they can make more,” a good friend who previously worked with the team writes. “The workshops in Syria also have vast experience of fixing essential medical equipment, and making insulated shelters – both greatly needed right now”