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HomeArticlesYour February 2025 Turkish Wine Horoscope

Your February 2025 Turkish Wine Horoscope


It might be the shortest month of the year, but you’d never guess with everything that February has in store! Of course there’s pressure from many to make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day for your partner. And then of course the pressure many singletons feel over having no one with whom to celebrate the day. We should all take a beat and remember the day commemorates a saint who was tortured then murdered as a martyr. So…that’s fun. Maybe don’t feel so pressured to make a big deal?

This month we also commemorate the horrible earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria in 2023. As far as I’m aware, all the international, and most of the domestic charities have long since left many of the affected areas, including Hatay where Antioche Vineyards is. I’ve heard that there may be some regional/local organizations still doing some work. If anyone has examples, particularly of ones taking donations, please let me know. 

And now, on to what we shall be drinking!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’re going to be busy busy this month, Aries! Winter gatherings keep you on the move and your social calendar will be filled with interesting events. Keep a little strength in reserve on the 9th though. This is going to be a terrific for any activity that requires discipline. You have the stamina and will to move mountains on that day.Turkish wine

Watch out for some secret conversations and behind-the-scenes activities to add intrigue to your month. Keep your ear to the ground and gather as much information as you can, but remember to keep your thoughts and actions on the down low for the next couple months. Don’t let on that you know what’s going on and keep your thoughts guarded around those making the intrigue.

The wine for you …

Back in August 2023 you received a recommendation for Antioche’s Barburi Blanc and I hope you tried it. This month, your wine is the red version, the crowd-pleasing Antioche Barburi. Winery founder Abud Abdo remembers this grape from his childhood when he helped his grandparents forage for it and make wine. And as a wine, it’s as unpretentious, easy, and comfortable as it gets. This is a great drinking and food pairing red wine.

Find it at La Cave, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, possibly Casa Botti, sometimes İyi Şarap.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This is a month for you to shine, Taurus! Recognition for your brilliance arrives in February. Be proud of your accomplishments. You’ve earned the applause! Perhaps as part of this, you’ll be feeling an urge for “you” time this month. Pamper yourself with a hamam, a spa, a mani-pedi…whatever helps sooth your spirit and keep you balanced. 

While you’re basking this month in recognition over things you already have done, don’t ignore things that can be done! Especially early in the month is an ideal time for creative endeavors. Make art, beautify your surroundings, or bake something yummy (and share it with me!)! Friends will also beckon you to get together this month so don’t forget to make time to play with them. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

You know whose brilliance you should also celebrate this month? Arda’s fantastic winemaker Şeniz. Celebrate both her and yourself with a bottle of her Arda Reserve Semillon. If you haven’t ever tried Semillon before, this is a great intro for you. Semillon has become more popular over the last four-five years but it’s not new in Turkey. In fact, it was the first grape imported into the country as early as the 1920s! Arda’s version is full of exotic citrus fruits, flowers, and almonds. Perfect for sipping on its own but also very food friendly. 

Tip: buy two bottles and age one for even just a couple years. You’ll thank me. 

Check La Cave, Mensis Mahzen, and Rind but it also might be available at places like Casa Botti, Dekante, Grand Cru, La Commune, etc.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20)

February’s looking like a perfect Gemini month for you! Haul your suitcases out of storage and dust off your passport, this is going to be a great month for any travel/globe trotting adventures. During the periods you’re at home, you’ll be in high demand socially. Requests to hang out with friends, attend parties, take place in activities etc will all be forthcoming. Why sit at home when there are places to go and people to see?  Take advantage of the full moon this month; it’s  ideal for cocktail parties or road trips.Turkish wine

The wine for you …

To match the travel adventures the month may bring, you need the most globetrotting of all the grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon. Unlike other grapes, like Emir and Pinot Noir which are difficult to grow and finicky about where they will grow, Cab grows pretty much everywhere regardless of conditions. From the stony soils and maritime climate of Bordeaux to Turkey’s Denizli plain to California’s hot Napa Valley to the hills of China’s Ningxia! 

Turkey has a lot of Cab to offer, but your wine this month is one of the best, the Chateau Nuzun Cabernet Sauvignon.

You can find it pretty easily at Carrefour, Macro Center, La Cave, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, Casa Botti, probably La Commune, Vinus, Solera, Grand Cru…

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’ve got a couple few things going on this month, Cancer. First of all, it’s time to take a good, hard look at your finances; especially if you overextended during the holidays and/or are American and slogging your way through tax season. Even if neither of those situations apply to you, there’s never a bad time to check in with your budgeting to make sure you’re in a healthy position. Turkish wine

Speaking of money, make sure there’s room in that budget for some travel this month. Taking a getaway, in particular to a far-flung destination, will be on your mind this month. Let yourself escape the winter blues with a vacation (but only after you’ve balanced that budget!).

The wine for you …

You need a dependable, always decent, won’t break the bank kind of wine this month. Happily, no matter the state of your budget, you needn’t feel guilty about opening a bottle of Turasan Emir! Crisp and salty with green apples, lime, lime leaf and blossom (if ever so slightly acidified), this is quintessential Emir. One of the oldest producers of this grape, Turasan’s remains the best value for money Emir on the market. 

Happily this is pretty easy to find. You should be able to get this at most large grocery chains (Carrefour, Migros, Macro Center, Metro) as well as places like Online Mahzen, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, Solera, etc etc. 

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Revelations and epiphanies about who you are await you this month. Take the time to ruminate on who you have been and who it is you think you want to be; because  if you feel like you haven’t fully owned your light yet, this is the moment for a cracking open of the shell. Reshaping your identity is scary and will force you to ask whether your desires come from the soul or from the expectations the culture has placed on you. Now is the time to commit to your true desires with your full heart. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

You’ve had a number of the Paşaeli Çalkarası wines but never the one that started the revolution, the Paşaeli Merman Çalkarası. Paşaeli was the first winery in Turkey to recognize the value of Çalkarası and its ability to make quality wines. Talk about a revelation and owning who and what you are! Paşaeli’s commitment to revealing the grape’s quality and immense potential not only spurred them onto making an impressive SIX wines with the grape, but got others, especially the wineries based in Çal and Denizli, to follow suit with good to high quality wines of their own. 

Find it at places like Mensis Mahzen, Santé Wine & More, Casa Botti, Dekante, sometimes La Cave. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

February provides you with the perfect opportunity to step into a leadership role, Virgo. Be it in your role at work, your family, a friend group … keep your eyes peeled for the opening. Leadership roles aren’t always about being a “boss,” delegating tasks, ordering people around, etc. It can in some cases be as simple as suggesting a something new and your friends can do. Instead of meeting up for drinks at the same bar/restaurant all the time, suggest a new place. Or, instead of drinks, find an activity to do together. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Wineries often take a leadership role when they work with a new grape or experiment with a new style of wine. This month, try a wine from Quinientosdos (502) Vineyards. Based in the Black Sea, the winery released its first Narince wine this year (review coming soon!). You’ll notice immediately by the wine’s pale peach color that it is different from any other Narince you’ve tried. A bit of skin contact sets this Narince apart from others coming out of the Black Sea area, and indeed apart from most Narince wines across Turkey!

Get this from Mahzen 26 and possibly elsewhere…

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

It is fitting that this is the month of Valentine’s Day as February calls you to work on your relationships (romantic and otherwise). How healthy are the connections you have with the people in your life? Are there people around you who only take take take and drain you of energy? Conversely, are do you have generous givers in your life whom you neglect? Do you keep work relationships too cold and distant rather than seeing if they could develop into something deeper? Turkish wine

We may not always realize that a person or a relationship creates stress or friction in our life. While it may not seem normal to do so, make a list of the people in your life: your close circle, colleagues, family, neighbors, anyone with whom you interact on a regular basis, and have a serious think about how healthy each relationship is and what you could possibly do to change it for the better.

The wine for you …

Put yourself in the right headspace with something on the sweeter side, like the Antioche Misket. A semi-sweet wine, this has just enough residual sugar to let you know there’s sweetness, but also enough acidity to keep it bright and fresh. These hot days it would probably taste great on its own, but try it with food! This delicate and lightly sweet wine pairs really well with salty and spicy foods!

Look for it at Mensis Mahzen, possibly La Cave, Rind, Casa Botti, sometimes İyi Şarap

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

While you may lean towards the temptation of giving into a grey winter that’s urging you to hunker down at home, ignore the pull to do that to the exclusion of anything else. By all means, stay at home and hermit for a while. We all need breaks from society and the outside world from time to time. But, spend your time at home wisely. Tidy your nest, reorganize and clean out your kitchen cupboards. No need to wait for spring for a deep clean.

There’s nothing wrong with a day here and there huddled under a blanket binge watching a TV show; but again, not the exclusion of everything else.

The wine for you …

While you’re in that hermiting mode, you need a wine that will help you feel cozy. One of the best “like a hug” wines is the Antioche Barburi Premium. All the joys of the winery’s entry level Barburi but with longer oak ageing and more intense flavors. After a day of tidying about your nest, snuggle down with a glass of this and some good comfort Hatay food like kağıt kebabi.

Look for it at Mensis Mahzen, possibly La Cave, Rind, Casa Botti, sometimes İyi Şarap

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

Sagittarius, you are the wanderer, the traveler of the zodiac and February offers you multiple chances for it. It may be work travel or vacation; either way, make time for fun during your trips. If you need a winter break, grab your passport and jet off to the warmest location you can find. This is also a good month for escapades in far-away places. Let your restless spirit guide you this month and lead you on a merry wayfaring adventure!Turkish wine

 The wine for you …

Adventure awaits even in a glass of wine! Make one of your journeys this month a journey of the palate with the Antioche Özel Seri. A truly unique blend of Barburi and Cabernet Sauvignon, there is literally no wine on earth like it.  

Find this at places like Iyi Sarap, Mensis Mahzen, possibly La Cave, Macro Center, Dekante…

Capricorn (December 23 – January 19)

It’s time to open your mind to new possibilities—they are closer than you think. Beginning this month, the fantasy can absolutely be your reality. However, in order to make it so, you must fully commit to your desires and be prepared to take action. This is the moment to bridge the gap between your dreams and your actions, and make it all real. This will require work on your end though, no fantasy is going to magically materialize in front of you with just wishing. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

This month your wine comes from a woman who knows about making a fantasy become a reality. Back before she established Arcadia, Zeynep and her father would talk late into the night about their perfect dream bottle of wine. Fast-forward to 2009 when they started making their own perfect bottle of wine! This month, look for the Arcadia Mono Sauvignon Blanc and let this lovely wine be your inspiration. 

Get it from places like Carrefour, La Cave, Macro Center, Mensis Mahzen, possibly Rind, Casa Botti, your nicer tekels…

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

February is going to be your month for making things happen. Feed your inner power. Allow it to burst forth and help you manifest your goals. Make a splash doing something big this month! You can and will turn heads if you take the opportunity to do so. It’s scary to step into the spotlight this way, especially with the fear of failing publicly on a spectacular scale. Trust your instincts to guide you in the process. They will not fail you. turkish wine

The wine for you …

If you’ve been reading the recommendations for other Signs, you’ll have noticed a few Antioche wines this month. Since everyone in Hatay still needs some help, and since Hateks/Antioche did so much themselves to help in Hatay, lets be awesome wine lovers and support the winery through extra sales this month! 

You received the Antioche Barburi as a recommendation back in June 2023, and I hope you did try it! So this month, align your ambitions of making something big happen with the winery’s accomplishment of Antioche Barburi Blanc. I do not mean blanc de noir, I mean blanc. Not only is this a refreshing white wine for the summer heat, but it’s a chance to put some good energy into the world! Antioche is based in Hatay and the winery and its workers were hit hard by the earthquakes. Buying Antioche wine is a way to support a local business and help rebuild their world. 

Available at Casa Botti, Mensis Mahzen, possibly, Rind, check Mahzen 26, sometimes İyi Şarap has it in stock.

 Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

February begins on a quiet note for you, Pisces. Hibernation and introspection mode beckons. Use the quiet down time at the beginning of the month to gear up for fun, fun, fun! Get all gussied up and get out of the house! Allow yourself a little treat: spa time, massage, a new outfit, etc. It will help get you ready and make you feel confident to enjoy a little time being the center of attention towards the end of the month!Turkish wine

The wine for you …

It doesn’t matter if you open this in hibernation mode or when you’re ready for the fun (although it does go a little better with the latter mood!). Çal Karası has such a great Cinderella story; going from neglected and hidden in table wine blends to a bit of a super star. A great great for serious reds and cheerful white and rosé wines alike! This month, try the white version with a bottle of Kuzubağ Çal Karası Blanc de Noir.

Get this from places like Casa Botti, Comedus, Mensis Mahzen, and Rind.

Please Help Turkey and Syria!

Turkey and Syria are still in desperate need of help after the horrific earthquakes that have decimated large areas of Turkey’s south east and northern Syria, please consider donating to one of the relief efforts if you are able:

  • Animal rights organization Haytap is helping animals affected by the earthquake, and displaced people who need a place to stay with their pets. Other animal-focused groups such as Dört Ayaklı Şehir (Four-Legged City) and Work Animals Rescue Foundation, are also helping farm animals, street animals, and pets.
  • Donate to civil society groups working on the ground to provide immediate relief and medium- to long-term recovery to survivors via UK-based Turkey Mozaik Foundation or US-based Turkish Philanthropy Funds
  • Donate to the volunteer response being carried out in Turkey by the trusted, independent NGOs İhtiyaç Haritası (Needs Map) or Ahbap.  
  • Hayata Destek (Support to Life), is a Turkish NGO experienced in providing humanitarian relief and working with underserved communities. 