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HomeAmber WineYour July 2024 Turkish Wine Horoscope

Your July 2024 Turkish Wine Horoscope


Summer is in full swing and it’s just begun. It’s hot, tempers are rising with the temperatures! We all need something to cool us down. This time of year, most people want to reach for white or rosé because they’re cold, they’re refreshing. But, don’t forget, you don’t have to give up red wine during the hot summer months! Check out these chillable reds to start. And, even if your tastes run to heavier, full-bodied reds, don’t be afraid to chill them for a little bit before drinking, especially given how hot our current “room temperatures” are. 

So, let’s get to it! What are we all drinking this month? Read on to find out!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, feeling like something is missing as you enter July? Even if you manifested all your financial and material goals ahead of the month, an emptiness remains in your pit. Keep in mind that emptiness may not be the lack of a what. Maybe it’s the lack of a who. Lean on your loved ones this month and don’t rush to throw yourself into what will likely be only a temporary relationship in an attempt to fill the void. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

You need a wine that’s genuinely good, not just something that’s good [enough] for now. Hunt down a bottle of the Sevilen Plato Narince. This is a nicely made Narince that pairs really well with food; but you won’t be mad at it if you decide to pour it just for sipping. 

And I say “hunt down” because it is, unfortunately, not easy to find. Your best bet would be to ask at Mensis Mahzen or Macro Center. I’ve seen it at La Cave. Casa Botti could carry it. Iyi Sarap sometimes has it in stock.

 Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Like Aquarius, you’re feeling a little lackluster and empty this month. There’s a disappointment in you as you face the activities and people in your life because you crave more. Embrace a new hobby or a budding romance at the beginning of the month. It will unfold sweetly throughout the month and help you get more out of all your experiences. Approach all matters with heart and positive energy, and you will be surprised by what you manifest before the month ends.Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Put yourself in the right headspace with something on the sweeter side, like the Antioche Misket. A semi-sweet wine, this has just enough residual sugar to let you know there’s sweetness, but also enough acidity to keep it bright and fresh. These hot days it would probably taste great on its own, but try it with food! This delicate and lightly sweet wine pairs really well with salty and spicy foods!

Look for it at Mensis Mahzen, possibly La Cave, Rind, Casa Botti, possibly Macro Center. 

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Explore the passions and hobbies that you enjoy, regardless of what other people think of them. Who cares if they think your newest hobby is boring? YOU like it. Live for yourself this month, Aries. Don’t give into pressure to give up the activities you like, or to leave your cozy nest at home. If you’re not feeling social, don’t be. Say thank you very much but I’m going to stay home and watch a movie. And drink some great wine. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Like your hobbies, you like the wine you like and who cares if other people like it or not? One of the big issues that divides wine lovers is AMBER wine. Maybe you already love it, maybe you hate it, maybe you’ve not tried it yet…but this month is the time to try (again)! Open up a bottle of the Gürbüz Orange wine. Traditionally a Sauvingon Blanc wine, this most recent vintage has a small addition of Misket that really takes it up a notch. 

Find it at Santé Wine & More, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, probably Mahzen 26, Casa Botti, Dekante might have it…

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

There’s no better time to unapologetically put yourself first. Prioritize your peace and well-being in July. Stay close to family, and know that you don’t need to stick by people who bring down your vibe. Speaking of bringing down your vibe…watch your wallet this month. Treating yourself is one thing, splurging when you don’t have the cash in the bank is something else. Be careful that you don’t live to regret impulse spending. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Careful spending does not mean you can’t have fancy wine! Or the illusion of fancy wine in this case. Try the Sevilen Element Water semi-sparkling wine. A simple bottle of bubbles made with the addition of CO2, this one happily won’t break the bank! It’s fresh, fun, and tastes like a mouthful of bubbly peaches. 

Find it at Online Mahzen Carrefour, Migros, Macro Center, Metro, Solera, etc.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20)

Reality is hitting you hard and fast. You may feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams and believe you are running out of time to achieve your career goals. But immersing yourself in a positive environment will uplift your spirits. Lots of laughter and self-care await in July. Sit down with your friends and speak from the heart. Their less biased views and sympathetic ears will help you identify obstacles preventing you from fully realizing your dreams.Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Hayrı amca of Kuzeybağ knows about realizing dreams. That’s why your wine this month is his Kuzeybağ Öküzgözü.  He spent years growing grapes for other wineries before being able to open his own winery where he showcases Elazığ’s special grapes. Not only is this a great chillable red for the summer, the label is fantastic!

Find it at Dekante, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, Santé Wine & More, and Solera.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

No one gets everything right every single time. Remember that and release yourself from the heavy expectation of getting things right all the time. Make a commitment to yourself that you won’t be so hard on yourself the next time you (metaphorically) fall down. This is also valid advice for your personal life. Be kind during the intense waves of endings and changes in your relationships. Romantic or otherwise, all relationships have a constant ebb and flow, over much of which you have no control. So, stop assuming that, just because you haven’t seen Friend X in a couple weeks, he/she is mad at you. They probably busy! Avoid getting consumed by over-analysis of the deeper meaning of your experiences. Clarity will come when you take things as they are.Turkish wine

The wine for you …

While in her early 20s Gaye Özcan became a precocious upstart in the world of Turkish wine when, after being told she had to make a Bordeaux blend to be successful, she made a 100% Sangiovese instead. Maybe there were some missteps along her path, but she wasn’t afraid of being wrong while pursuing her dream. So this month, try the Nif Bağları Viognier. Once part of the winery’s ‘Private Collection’ series, it’s now widely available (and with a much cooler label than in the picture I have). 

 Get it from Carrefour, Dekante, İyi Şarap, sometimes La Cave, Macro Center, Mensis Mahzen, possibly Grape Wine Boutique and Rind.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Your energy is at an all-time high this month, Leo. Your infectious energy will inspire others to love themselves as fiercely as you love yourself. Use your power of good to be your friends’ biggest cheerleader throughout July. In addition to getting out your pom-poms, channel all your inspiration, vigor, and ambition into a new project. But, before you dive in headfirst, maybe build a plan of action so you don’t end up floundering when your energy inevitably flags. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

This month, get your hands on a bottle of Suvla Karasakız. There’s more attention being paid to this grape these days, however yavaş yavaş the progress is. Suvla was really the first winery to put some effort into it. And while the company’s quality has gone downhill in recent years (in my opinion), the Karasakız is still worth a look. Especially if you chill it!!

Nice and easy to find it is too! Obviously the Suvla shops will carry it, it’s also widely available at places like Carrefour, Macro Center, Migros, and Online Mahzen.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This month, you will feel energized and encouraged to do something different. Maybe it’s learning a new language or skill. You could travel somewhere new (or go on a new type of holiday). Pick up a new hobby. Even if it’s as simple as reading a book or two outside of your regular genre. Reconsider what you want for yourself at this stage in your life and let that help guide you to what the “different” is. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Something new for you might be experimenting with oaked white wine. A lot of people shy away from them (I always hesitate a bit myself), because many of us remember the buttery oak bombs out of California. And frankly, Turkey. But trust me and try this month the Turasan Seneler Narince. Yes, there’s a little bit of oak on this, but it’s well-integrated and does what oak is supposed to do; i.e. adds layers and depth to the wine. 

Get it from Iyi Sarap, Macro Center, Mensis Mahzen, possibly Metro, Migros, etc.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your social life is booming and work is going well. However, as you pour energy and attention into your work and relationships, make sure you’re having fun in the process. While you’re running around being busy, it can be easy to fool yourself into thinking that you’re enjoying the process. Make sure you’re not keeping yourself so busy that you forget the fun. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Pump up the fun by drinking Vinkara Minoj Kalecik Karası rosé. This wine is a standard-bearer for what Kalecik Karası should be like as a rosé wine. Consistent quality and style from year to year, it’s a dependable drink that’s lovely on its own but also pairs well with a wide range of foods.

This should be pretty easy to find as it’s carried at most Carrefours, Migros, Macro Center, Dekante, İyi Şarap, Mahzen 26, Mensis Mahzen, probably Rind, likely Apertivo, and Casa Botti, etc., etc. Although please note – the label as been changed from what’s pictured. It used to be adorable; it’s boring and forgettable now.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

Have you been feeling low lately and vaguely … disappointed? Is it perhaps because you’ve been spending time drawing comparisons between your life and others’ and having a bad case of “the grass is always greener”? Reflect on whether or not you are perpetuating your own disappointment. Your reflections this month will boost your self-awareness. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

You cannot get less disappointing than Arda’s wines which, while they range from decent to really good, are at least consistent in their quality for price. This month, try the Arda Gala Papazkarası. A more simple expression of Papazkarası (or sometimes blended with Cabernet Sauvignon), but a nice red wine that can take a little chill for the summer months.

Get it from Casa Botti, La Cave, Mensis Mahzen, Rind, Santé Wine & More, Solera, etc. 

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

This month you feel spurred by a quest for knowledge. Let yourself be free to explore your passions, to question long-held beliefs, or to learn something entirely new. Open your heart and mind to listen to opposing views and new information. Even if you do no agree with what you’ve heard, don’t close yourself off to it. Let openness and the positive energy that creates carry you forward into the world.Turkish wine

 The wine for you …

We also need to be open with our wine explorations! Challenge yourself with something new or different this month like the Arcadia Doğal Fermentasyon. Mostly Papaskarası with a touch of Öküzgözü, it’s a fresh, clean, juicy wine great for summer.

Look for it at places like La Cave, Santé Wine & More, Casa Botti and Mahzen 26 probably have it, maybe Dekante…

Capricorn (December 23 – January 19)

You are yearning for deeper connections and the freedom to express yourself authentically. However, obstacles stand in your way. Intimate bonds cannot develop until you are courageous enough to open up. If you find yourself holding back, think about how much you care for others despite their flaws and imperfections. There are people out there who want to offer you the same. Turkish wine

The wine for you …

Maybe this is a stretch…but once could think about wine blends in a similar way to the intimate bonds with people. There’s a give and take/back and forth kind of relationship with both. With wine, like people, one grape compliments another, adds qualities the other might lack or simply gives a boost to what is already there. This month, while you’re thinking about how you compliment others and v.v., try the Kastro Tireli Narince Viognier blend. 

Find it at places like Casa Botti, Mensis Mahzen, Dekante, possibly Rind and Mahzen 26, Sensus Kurucesme, I think Macro Center…

Please Help Turkey and Syria!

Turkey and Syria are still in desperate need of help after the horrific earthquakes that have decimated large areas of Turkey’s south east and northern Syria, please consider donating to one of the relief efforts if you are able:

  • Animal rights organization Haytap is helping animals affected by the earthquake, and displaced people who need a place to stay with their pets. Other animal-focused groups such as Dört Ayaklı Şehir (Four-Legged City) and Work Animals Rescue Foundation, are also helping farm animals, street animals, and pets.
  • Donate to civil society groups working on the ground to provide immediate relief and medium- to long-term recovery to survivors via UK-based Turkey Mozaik Foundation or US-based Turkish Philanthropy Funds
  • Donate to the volunteer response being carried out in Turkey by the trusted, independent NGOs İhtiyaç Haritası (Needs Map) or Ahbap.  
  • Hayata Destek (Support to Life), is a Turkish NGO experienced in providing humanitarian relief and working with underserved communities. 
  • World Central Kitchen provides funds and food to those still living in tents in the affected areas. 
  • To support rescue efforts in Syria, donate to White Helmets and SAMS
  • Field Ready Türk‎iye (Sahaya Hazır İnovasyon Derneği) is a team of engineers working in Gaziantep, Turkey, and northwest Syria who make cheap, low-tech airbags for search and rescue from buildings which have collapsed. “If we move fast they can make more,” a good friend who previously worked with the team writes. “The workshops in Syria also have vast experience of fixing essential medical equipment, and making insulated shelters – both greatly needed right now”